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RIP Jim Hutton

Started by No Cents, August 12, 2018, 10:38:11 AM

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No Cents

  shocked to hear this news.   :sad:
08 FLHX my grocery getter, 124ci, wfolarry 110" heads, Burns pipe, 158/152 sae


 :sad:  Ride In Paradise, Jim

Pour a wee dram of Oban in his honor, gents.
Ignorance is bliss, and accuracy expensive. How much of either can you afford?


Moose aka Glenn-

04 SE Deuce

Oh my god what happened???

For those that may not know Jim went by TweekmyTwin here on HTT...truly a nice guy.


Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, then come down and shoot the survivors.
 - Ernest Hemingway


Admiral Akbar

WTF, Saw him a little over a month ago with WFO larry...  :emsad:

Coff 06

Quote from: 04 SE DEUCE on August 12, 2018, 11:50:05 AM
Oh my god what happened???

For those that may not know Jim went by TweekmyTwin here on HTT...truly a nice guy.

OMG.    Had no idea that's who this is.Went on a ride with him and the SACRAMENTO bunch a few years back.Sorry to hear this.My heart reaches out to the family  :sad:        Coff 06
06 FX Springer, 98",11/1,9B+4*,HPI 55/58 /5.3inj,HDSP Pro Street heads,123/118

Ohio HD

Rest in peace Jim      :sad:      the world is a lesser place with your absence.

I met Jim a few years ago at the V-Twin show in Cincy. When we were introduced, as we were shaking hands, I said I knew who he was, as I'd seen him in other friends photos. He looked me dead in the eyes and said, "And I thought you'd be smaller". We both smiled and laughed, if you ever saw the movie Roadhouse, then you know the phrase, "I thought you'd be bigger". If you ever met me, you'd know why Jim said that. He had a very keen wit, and was a very nice guy.


Now I know, why some animals eat their young.



RIP Jim  never met him but from what Keith and others said about him ....he was a great guy ...will be missed  :sad:
HV HTT Admin ..Ride Safe ...But Ride informed with HTT !!
Skype HV.HTT



God bless and bring comfort to his family and friends  ...R.I.P.  :sad:
Colorado Springs, CO.




RIP, my condolences to the family & friends.  :sad:


RIP. Chatted with him on the phone and bought some pistons from him, very nice guy. My condolences to his family and friends.


I met him in Cincy too in 2013 one heck of a nice guy.
Was it natural causes or an accident?
Listen to the jingle the rumble and the roar.


According to a post on Facebook, Jim and his girlfriend were killed by a bale of hay that came off of a truck in front of them.

Jim was a very funny guy. I met him at the expo in 2011, and we all had a great time :beer: :beer:

God speed "Tweak My Twin" aka Jim.  :sad:


Quote from: Durwood on August 13, 2018, 03:21:42 AM
According to a post on Facebook, Jim and his girlfriend were killed by a bale of hay that came off of a truck in front of them.

Jim was a very funny guy. I met him at the expo in 2011, and we all had a great time :beer: :beer:

God speed "Tweak My Twin" aka Jim.  :sad:

That really sucks


this is very sad news.  I always enjoyed the time I was able to spend with Jim and other HTT friends at the Vtwin expo.  He was always fun to be around.  He will be missed.  RIP Jim.   :sad:
warning, this poster suffers from bizarre delusions


A bale of hay.....Geez. My Sincere Condolences to Jim and His Girlfriends Family and Friends. RIP Jim and Your Girlfriend.....Sad.


Not the kinda news I like hearing about first thing in the morning...
RIP Jim.
Infantryman Terry Street
End of Tour April,4,2008 Panjwayi district Afghanistan


Prayers for and condolences to his family.  :sad:
The difference between the mind and the stomach is the stomach will let you know when it's empty.


Very sad...Rest In Peace

He was a great guy!! Spent many a day sitting in his garage watching him work on my junk enjoying being completely entertained.


Met him at the V twin expo and had supper with him, he picked up the tab for the entire table. He had a great sense of humor as well. R.I.P.
If you don't have a sense of humor you probably have no sense at all.


Lazyness is the Mother of Invention

Don D

That sucks, he was a great guy


For those that can't see the details on FB. I was leading this ride.

This weekend was our annual ride to Mammoth Lakes CA, a ride we have done many times before. Friday, eight of us left home to make the journey over the Sierras and down to Mammoth. Half way up the mountain, an oncoming semi pulling tandem trailers loaded with 20-30 1000 lb bales of hay came around a corner too fast and the rear most trailer tipped over. Jim Hutton and Teri Lish were riding sweep and got caught in the spill as it came across our side of the highway. Jim was my best friend and I will be forever grateful for the time we had as friends and the thousands of miles we rode together and laughed together. Teri was on last years trip and a wonderful person. This photo Sarah took from Friday is the way I will remember both of them.


Don D

I feel bad for your loss. An awful tragedy


I have no words... my condolences and respect to family and friends.

He was with friends doing what he loved, though I know that's a small consolation.  :sad:

I'm not leaving til I have a good time


Condolences to both of their families, R.I.P.  :sad:  :sad:

preacher son

Very sad to read this, no words can ever make it right. Sorry for your loss of good friend coyote.  :sad:

    We all give watchful care about deer, critters and other vehicles but i got to say this will make me very aware of hay trucks from now on and there are a lot out here by me
FTW          I've had a good life


Sorry you lost your good friend Keith, he'll live forever in the memory of all that knew him. :sad:
Listen to the jingle the rumble and the roar.


where's the points and condenser ?<br />Tom / aka motor


crazy joe

Thoughts and Prayers go out to His and her Family and Friends.


Quote from: Coyote on August 13, 2018, 07:40:37 AM
For those that can't see the details on FB. I was leading this ride.

This weekend was our annual ride to Mammoth Lakes CA, a ride we have done many times before. Friday, eight of us left home to make the journey over the Sierras and down to Mammoth. Half way up the mountain, an oncoming semi pulling tandem trailers loaded with 20-30 1000 lb bales of hay came around a corner too fast and the rear most trailer tipped over. Jim Hutton and Teri Lish were riding sweep and got caught in the spill as it came across our side of the highway. Jim was my best friend and I will be forever grateful for the time we had as friends and the thousands of miles we rode together and laughed together. Teri was on last years trip and a wonderful person. This photo Sarah took from Friday is the way I will remember both of them.

Wow, very sorry for your loss.  Let us here on the forum know if there will be a memorial of some kind or someplace we can donate.
If you don't have a sense of humor you probably have no sense at all.


Very sorry for the loss of your good friend Keith. Thoughts and prayers to all family and friends.
Northern Indiana


"Never hang on to a mistake just because you spent time or money making it."


Quote from: Admiral Akbar on August 12, 2018, 01:46:44 PM
WTF, Saw him a little over a month ago with WFO larry...  :emsad:
Was looking forward to riding out next year to see his house after he remodeled it. He was a great guy.


Quote from: Coyote on August 13, 2018, 07:40:37 AM
For those that can't see the details on FB. I was leading this ride.

This weekend was our annual ride to Mammoth Lakes CA, a ride we have done many times before. Friday, eight of us left home to make the journey over the Sierras and down to Mammoth. Half way up the mountain, an oncoming semi pulling tandem trailers loaded with 20-30 1000 lb bales of hay came around a corner too fast and the rear most trailer tipped over. Jim Hutton and Teri Lish were riding sweep and got caught in the spill as it came across our side of the highway. Jim was my best friend and I will be forever grateful for the time we had as friends and the thousands of miles we rode together and laughed together. Teri was on last years trip and a wonderful person. This photo Sarah took from Friday is the way I will remember both of them.


Coyote, I felel for the loss.
I have recently started saying to those I know who are about to pass or have passed I say "Till we Meet Again".
Doesnt make it easier, but it is not a good bye and has more meaning in my mind.
Infantryman Terry Street
End of Tour April,4,2008 Panjwayi district Afghanistan


Never knew him but sounds as if it would of been an honor to.  May he and his passenger rest in peace. :sad:


I feel sick to my stomach. I never met him, but he gave me some helpful advice on a project a couple of years ago. Seemed like a real genuine guy. My condolences to everyone, especially you Coyote.



So sorry coyote! That must have been awful... take some comfort in them going doing what they loved. They will be terribly missed.  :sad:




 :sad: I bet God will have a fast bike now that Jim is up there.
Very sad, My prays to his and her family's. RIP.

04 SE Deuce

Quote from: Coyote on August 13, 2018, 07:40:37 AM
For those that can't see the details on FB. I was leading this ride.

This weekend was our annual ride to Mammoth Lakes CA, a ride we have done many times before. Friday, eight of us left home to make the journey over the Sierras and down to Mammoth. Half way up the mountain, an oncoming semi pulling tandem trailers loaded with 20-30 1000 lb bales of hay came around a corner too fast and the rear most trailer tipped over. Jim Hutton and Teri Lish were riding sweep and got caught in the spill as it came across our side of the highway. Jim was my best friend and I will be forever grateful for the time we had as friends and the thousands of miles we rode together and laughed together. Teri was on last years trip and a wonderful person. This photo Sarah took from Friday is the way I will remember both of them.


Keith my condolences as I thought of you immediately and wondered if you present at the scene...I can't fathom what that must have been like. 

In conversations with Jim I occasionally referred to him as your wingman,  as such very few could be his equal.



    Sorry to hear this.  :sad:
Anybody who tries to tell you that the press is the enemy of the people is just that.



.. heartfelt condolences and prayers.



Sorry to learn of this, my condolences and prayers.....

Ya'll ride safe out there


send  lawyers guns and money


I have tried to post something 3-4 times, but words escape me.
I am an adult?? When did that happen, and how do I make it stop?!


For Duty and Humanity


Quote from: PoorUB on August 14, 2018, 05:31:27 AM
I have tried to post something 3-4 times, but words escape me.

I have had the same experience. Such very sad news.
If you see someone crying,
ask if it's because of their haircut

calif phil

Jim and I have been friends for a long time.   I am going to miss him very much.  You could not be in a bad mood around Jim.  His infectious smile, and his sharp wit would have you laughing in no time at all.  He was a talented contractor and mechanic.  I will always remember him and his generosity. 

August 2015 I am talking with Jim on the phone.   He says something like this.

Jim.   You should sink your lifts in the ground.

CP     I would love to but,

Jim.   I will come out and do it for you.

CP.    I can't ask you to drive 1500 miles one way to put my lifts in the ground.

Jim.  I need a vacation, I will round up the tools and get Keith to join me. 

CP.    I can't ask you to do that and I can't afford it right now either.

Jim.  I didn't ask for $  We will be out.

That is the kind of guy Jim was.  He and Keith drove out and worked like crazy for three days and drove home.
I am forever grateful and smile every time I load a bike on my lift.   I spoke with Jim moments before he headed out on his last ride, He was coming to visit me in three weeks.  I will always remember and miss my friend Jim Hutton.   :sad: :cry:


...............................S I G H

Prayers for Peace, Strength, and Solace are UP          :sad:
Katfish  Vice President   Cypress Chapter BACA
RIP Jester


All words still escape me,  I would go and BS with Jim all the time, I had just got back from 6 weeks in Europe and first thing I did was go visit Jim, glad I did.... we would talk about everything in life, politics, and family.  he was all excited about Margarita Festival that Keith was leading and gave him a chance to get away from the shop,  he was sick of the shop and lack of A/C with the HOT temps we were having plus he was super busy.  Phil, he was also talking about visiting you and looking forward to it.  Going to miss him a lot.   RIP Jim



2001 FXDXT, 117"
2014 KTM 1290 Super Duke R

Coff 06

Keith, and John also. I know you are taking care of things,but If there's anything at all,anything.
Please let us know. I am truly sorry for you loss. I enjoyed his company on our Kelseyville ride to lake Berryessa.        Warren
06 FX Springer, 98",11/1,9B+4*,HPI 55/58 /5.3inj,HDSP Pro Street heads,123/118


I can't say that I ever got to meet the man, but I sure enjoyed reading his posts. RIP Jim, you will be missed by many. :sad:
not all who wander are lost...



Like many on this page, I met Jim (Hop Sing) some years ago at the V-Twin Expo. I always looked forward to seeing Jim and the rest of the HTT crew at the Expo. I cant count how many times I have had dinner, breakfast or drinks with that guy. Always funny, very intelligent, just a really good dude. It saddens me to know that he and his lady friend (does anyone know her name?) were killed the way they were, but on the ups side, he went out riding his bike with what were probably his best friends. If there is a Valhala for bikers, Jim is there. Probably planning to install a subsurface bike lift.

Lets not forget Coyote in all of this. I have experience with seeing your friends killed while leading them. Its a mind "Potty mouth" to the  tenth order and no man should have to experience it. I hope Coyote can find peace within himself and know that this was not his fault.

Cheers to Jim, His Lady,  Keith and everyone else effected by this. Love you guys.

L&R Ed
'We' like this' - Said by the one man operation.


Rest in Peace Jim and Teri !  Very fortunate to have met Jim and visit him at his shop a few times. Great Guy ! My sincere condolences to you Coyote , for the loss of your best friend and ridding partner . What a tragic event to endure. Wishing you strength to get through these tough times ahead .


I never met the man but I remember when cali phil posted the pics and story of him coming and putting his lifts in the ground. I thought then and there what a guy he must have been. A real friend and genuine top shelf kind of people. The world needs more like him. We should all strive to be more like that. For all that was lucky enough to know him and call him a friend I offer my condolences and so sorry for your loss!!


04 SE Deuce

Quote from: turboprop on August 14, 2018, 05:46:06 PM
Like many on this page, I met Jim (Hop Sing) some years ago at the V-Twin Expo. I always looked forward to seeing Jim and the rest of the HTT crew at the Expo. I cant count how many times I have had dinner, breakfast or drinks with that guy. Always funny, very intelligent, just a really good dude. It saddens me to know that he and his lady friend (does anyone know her name?) were killed the way they were, but on the ups side, he went out riding his bike with what were probably his best friends. If there is a Valhala for bikers, Jim is there. Probably planning to install a subsurface bike lift.

Lets not forget Coyote in all of this. I have experience with seeing your friends killed while leading them. Its a mind "Potty mouth" to the  tenth order and no man should have to experience it. I hope Coyote can find peace within himself and know that this was not his fault.

Cheers to Jim, His Lady,  Keith and everyone else effected by this. Love you guys.

L&R Ed

:up: :up: :up: Her name was Teri Lish...see post #29.

Jim had a way of putting a soft humorous edge on witty dude.


Quote from: turboprop on August 14, 2018, 05:46:06 PM
Like many on this page, I met Jim (Hop Sing) some years ago at the V-Twin Expo. I always looked forward to seeing Jim and the rest of the HTT crew at the Expo. I cant count how many times I have had dinner, breakfast or drinks with that guy. Always funny, very intelligent, just a really good dude. It saddens me to know that he and his lady friend (does anyone know her name?) were killed the way they were, but on the ups side, he went out riding his bike with what were probably his best friends. If there is a Valhala for bikers, Jim is there. Probably planning to install a subsurface bike lift.

Lets not forget Coyote in all of this. I have experience with seeing your friends killed while leading them. Its a mind "Potty mouth" to the  tenth order and no man should have to experience it. I hope Coyote can find peace within himself and know that this was not his fault.

Cheers to Jim, His Lady,  Keith and everyone else effected by this. Love you guys.

L&R Ed

:beer: :up: Well said Ed. Sorry Coyote for your loss.


I never met Jim but I followed the exploits.  When I was pretty ill in 14 Jim sent me a great note which gave me some incite to the man's character.  Obviously by the responses here he made an impression and is remembered well.   That's really all any of us can ask for, to be remembered well.

Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, then come down and shoot the survivors.
 - Ernest Hemingway


Condolences to friends and families of Jim and Teri  :sad:


My most sincere condolences to Jim and Teri's family, personal friends and HTT family/friends. 

I heard about this horrible news while on vacation and raised a glass in his memory at that time.  Those hay trucks on CA Highway 88 are a public menace at this time of year.   Anyone who rides that beautiful stretch of road at this time of year needs to be very wary of them.  My father died on hwy 88, on Aug 13th, 2005.

RIP Jim and Teri   :sad: 


This is so very sad.  I hope they rest in peace. :sad:
'84 FXE, '02 883R



Coyote, Thank you for posting that wonderful picture. I looked at it again today, and I couldn't help but notice how there is a beam of light above their heads. I hope that picture helps comfort their loved ones at this time. :rose:


That picture was taken while waiting at a one way section of the highway about 5 minutes before they died.


Baggerlady, that's a really cool observation.  Coyote, I know you'll be playing it over in your mind for ever. I hope you can eventually find some peace and go to the other memories you have with Jim (and his lady friend).  Those of us that have been there feel your pain brother. 


RIP Jim :sad:, and sorry for your loss Coyote.

'09 FLTR/120R/'91 XL1250 street tracker project/'07 DR-Z400S


Its actually an odd picture. They are sitting in the sun, with no shadows, and the sun is caught gleaming off both helmets. Yet the beam of light is shining down on them. I don't recall seeing it the other day when this was posted, perhaps I was just too upset at the news. But today it caught my eye. You guys can believe in what you want... :rose:


Very sorry. Hard to find words that can comfort. Peace.
East Tenn.<br /> 2020 Lowrider S Touring, 2014 CVO RK,  1992 FXRP


Never met Jim but talked to him on the phone and he sent me the parts list to update the rear fender lighting on my '02 FLHT to the later Tri Bar tip and facia.

You never know when you are going to get called up; Jim and his lady friend were called up to soon. RIP  :sad:


Quote from: xltjim on August 13, 2018, 02:16:35 PM
Never knew him but sounds as if it would of been an honor to.  May he and his passenger rest in peace. :sad:
MotoLocoPat  2015 FLTRXS, 2013FLHX, 2010FXDF
2006 Ducati S2R1000, 2004 KTM950