Tuners for 2024 M8 center cooled

Started by ziggy24, October 30, 2024, 10:42:37 AM

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Anyone heard if power vision, or any other tuning device companies have come up with anything to tune the new 2024 center cooled bikes? Outside of SE or a Thundermax ecm, kinda sucks there is nothing out yet.


TTS is testing software, building maps, & designing new cams. Word is they're looking at possibly end of year release, delay potentially due to legal liabilities with traction control system.  I've heard nothing from Dynojet. There is a couple of aftermarket ECMs available, but you lose some of the factory ride modes.
Ignorance is bliss, and accuracy expensive. How much of either can you afford?


I contacted Thundermax, and they claim the only thing that wont work, is the eitms on the center cooled engines. We will see, as I bought one, along with a red shift 528 cam


Soooo......... ever get that 528 installed and tuned? I'm still waiting for Powervision to be released. I've got my exhaust and AC but still deciding what cam to go with.


I did in fact get the cam installed along with the tmax. Very impressed with gen 2 setup. Amazing the difference with just a cam. My previous bike was 19 sgs with a 128 in it, along with stupid amounts of money in parts to make it go. It was dynoed at 163 hp. This one, I did just the cam (exhaust, air cleaner) and its probably shy of 130 hp, based on other glory sheets I saw.