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Piston Dome Volume ???

Started by ELM2627, November 25, 2008, 06:44:20 PM

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Anyone know the piston dome volume of these pistons - 21915-08, S-E 113 Hi-Comp


November 26, 2008, 10:15:31 PM #2 Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 07:58:50 PM by Killer
Perhaps if you stated the size of the piston or the advertised compression/volume, you may get an answer. I don't have the references/parts catalog to help answer your question.  :smile:
Good luck.
Admit nothing, Deny everything, Demand proof, and Make counter-accusations!


Unless one has actually used and measured a set of those pistons it isn't possible to answer your question accurately. HD doesn't publish specs for dome volumes ... and even if they did it would need to be verified by measurement.
i doubt you are being ignored, more likely either no one has the data or they haven't seen your post yet. I've never used those pistons so I can't help you, sorry.


#3 reply right on !!!!!!!!!
I haven't had one in my hands to measure,but would like too.
Happy Thanksgiving,


ELM, pay the freight both ways and I will be glad to measure them for you, that's the best I can do.