I'll Start... Post a pic of your Knuck!

Started by Robin, November 26, 2008, 07:45:24 AM

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Nice looking bike Robin. See that you added an electric start. What mods did you have to do to add that?


I bought it that way, it was kind of a rolling basket case when I got it.  I believe all that is needed is a shovelhead sprocket shaft for the motor.  The primary and everything is all shovelhead, mid 60's.



That is real nice!  An authentic Knuckle chop.  Still The prettiest engine Harley ever made IMHO.



Frame up 46 knuckle.

Circa 1990 or so . . .

Pics taken in So Cal at  Venice Beach and Del Mar bike show.


 I no longer have it, but it was my all time favorite bike. A 47 FL I built from a chopper basket case in about 1980 using a 58-64 Pan swingarm frame. Complete motor rebuild, frame up paint and build, total rewire from the ground up. Some time later I switched it back to hand shift for a while, and ran an original knuckle hardtail frame a year or so. I did a lot of dirt roading in N Arizona besides much paved road roaming and many cross country trips. I went through the motor later anr built it up with S&S 80" flywheels, S grind Andrews cam, mild port, S&S Super B carb, primary belt drive, and Andrews close ration trans gears.

Fresh paint


Some time later with a lot more miles


fbn ent

Nice bike, nice woman and nice buck. Hit it or shot it?
'02 FLTRI - 103" / '84 FLH - 88"<br />Hinton, Alberta


Oh the memories - nice combination.   :up: Did the same in a 65 rolling chassis (had a scattered engine) back in the 70's. Is that an S&S L series in the second pic?


Put together this Knuckle years ago road it a couple of times, broke my leg skiing, but it never ran as nice as my 56, so I sold it! Probably about 1983


Quote from: fbn ent on August 31, 2021, 05:43:46 AM
Nice bike, nice woman and nice buck. Hit it or shot it?

Shot the deer with a 4" S&W 44 mag, I was still in my bedroll.

The woman. Yes, she was nice. She had a pan of her own. On the trip in the picture I had her drive part of the time, we were on a cross country trip.

Quote from: kd on August 31, 2021, 06:35:09 AM
Oh the memories - nice combination.   :up: Did the same in a 65 rolling chassis (had a scattered engine) back in the 70's. Is that an S&S L series in the second pic?

Not sure what an L series is? The carb is a Super B I believe. I had a Linkert, then Bendix, then the S&S on the old knuckle. The old Super B really stuck out. When I got back into bikes and riding 2 or 3 years ago I was pleased to see that they made the Super E now, which didnt rob you of so much leg room.

I had to piece mine together from parts. The local independent shop had a semi trailer full of parts besides a garage somewhere else. He rounded up some of the major parts like the frame, some of the smaller stuff he let me sort through the trailer and find things I needed to build what I wanted. Its been somewhat of a shock to see how much prices on parts have gone up since then. I think I paid $300-ish for the frame, 5 gallon bob tanks were around $65-$75 I believe, unless ugly. The basket case knuckle chopper was $1200. The frame was of course shaved of most of the factory mounts and raked for a 12 over Indian girder front end. Parts like that were worth next to nothing at the time.


This came out of the woodwork for sale last week, last time I saw it was when I sold it to the same guy 25 years ago

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