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Lane Splitting ?

Started by YFOPOS1, September 28, 2011, 12:08:10 AM

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I have talked to several people about the definition of lane splitting . I guess its like anything , its how each of us interprets it?
I copied and pasted this off a CHP site.

Can motorcycle riders "split" lanes and ride between other vehicles?
Lane splitting by motorcycles is permissible but must be done in a safe and prudent manner.

Hole "Potty mouth" every time I come back from a big run ; this time it was Street Vibrations on HWY80 heading back to Sacramento .
It was like a scene out of that old movie The Road Warrior ? Friggen aholes passing on the right and left of cars at the same time , or just barely squeezing through between a semi and car . Scaring the crap out of people the whole way.
Blasting passed cars doing 80+ mph  , or a whole line of bikes just blasting between the cars  :banghead:

Admiral Akbar

My guess was they were not doing it in a prudent manner.   :wink:




" Lane Splitting can be done in a safe and prudent manner"

That leaves a big gray area when it comes to enforcing it as a law. What a rider may consider safe for him may not be safe for another rider or driver.  If the CHP were to pull someone over for being unsafe in splitting lanes it would seem that it would be a pretty easy ticket to beat in court unless they also tagged him with speeding or reckless driving charges. JMO


Unless they changed the laws recently, lane splitting in Nev is illegal


DPS trooper friend in Texas says it is legal here but speed must be under 20 mph. I've never tried it although thought about it a couple of times when it was really hot this summer. With some of the a holes here I wouldn't be surprised to see someone moving over to cut me off.


In Ca its called "LANE SHARING" Some call it Lane Splitting or White Lining. A motorcycle my share a lane with another vehicle. I do it everyday. Just be advised if you cross the white line it is no longer Lane Sharing but becomes unsafe lane change.

Some of my friends will lane share at speeds over 85 mph. I dont really like it but have dont it about a million times. I guess im finally getting older because im doing it less and less.


In WA, this is not allowed.  When I rode into San Mateo and surrounds, I felt like a dork sitting in traffic while the locals split the lanes.  But I was not comfortable with doing that, so I did not.


Jim its still the law in NV. no lane splitting , but from Keystone street on it didn't matter to most..
Didn't matter they had it posted on the DOT reader board over the freeway coming and going from Reno either.


 One should know what they're getting themselves into. Let's face it motorcycling is dangerous in the first place, does lane
splitting make it more safe or less safe? We've all done it. The older we get the more thankful we become that we didn't end up as a statistic. In my opinion, if your already going 75 or 80 your probably making pretty good time as it is. sp   


Quote from: bigfoot5x on September 28, 2011, 08:24:24 AM
DPS trooper friend in Texas says it is legal here but speed must be under 20 mph. I've never tried it although thought about it a couple of times when it was really hot this summer. With some of the a holes here I wouldn't be surprised to see someone moving over or OPENING their DOOR to cut me off.

Darn sure has happened to me (back in high school - where I split lanes every morning on my way to school)
Katfish  Vice President   Cypress Chapter BACA
RIP Jester


   It doesn't matter if it's legal or not.
Anyone who lane splits has oatmeal where their brains belong.
When you get to the fork in the road, take it.


Quote from: hombre912 on September 28, 2011, 12:43:46 PM
   It doesn't matter if it's legal or not.
Anyone who lane splits has oatmeal where their brains belong.

Quote from: hombre912 on September 19, 2011, 07:11:01 PM

   As always, I may be 100% incorrect.

:agree:   with the second quote


I've never split lanes, EVER. I've alway been afraid that some ahole would move over into me and when traffic is at a stand still I've seen it where they've actually flung their door open and make the bike crash.


Not legal in Canada either, but it never stops me. I don't do it all the time but I have been known to split a lane under the right conditions. Each to there own comfort zone, but wtf @ 55 guess i gotta head fulla oatmeal anyhow  :hyst:


Lane splitting is all good fun until someone decides to clean out their ash tray or open a door on you as you attempt to ride past. The only time I will do it is in the middle of a traffic jam where all of the cars are stopped and not moving for a while. Otherwise, if the cars are moving, it's just too dangerous for me.


You guys know how many are rear ended sitting in stop and go traffic? Not to mention what the heat does to the bike. I'll take my chances down the line (most of the time, have to let the CHP motor cop by me sometimes.)  :wink:


^^^ +1!  March last year eight bikes were run down by a dump truck waiting behind traffic at a stop light in Phoenix.  Four killed, others with life altering injuries.  The state legislature passed a bill to allow lane splitting later in the summer which our brilliant Govenor promptly vetoed.  I love the DBs we keep electing in Arizona.



A little more of the story on going to Street Vibrations.. For reasons I don't want to talk about , we trailered the bike to Reno. On the way back I'd say 90% of the bikes were lane splitting  "lane sharing as somebody put it" it was more like what I said in my original post  The movie Road Warrior  was more like it with friggen idiots blasting by on both sides , passing on the right shoulder , left fog line . A few times we saw bike, car, bike, car, bike uhm ?? :scratch:2 lanes 5 moving vehicles 1 too many. Yeah patch holders mostly doing that ..

As I'm passing a car ,we had one moron come up between us then he slid over in front of me, (my truck is lifted about 4 inch's) all I could see of him was from his shoulders up , he had to be only inches from my front bumper.

Like others have said the only time I split lanes is in very slow moving traffic or at times at a stop light, but never at freeway speeds!


Yep... I agree with you.  Lane splitting at 90mph just to get ahead of traffic that is already moving along deserves a ticket.  I'd have no problem with the CHP hauling in some major income for the state on that one.



Quote from: YFOPOS1 on September 28, 2011, 07:50:50 PM
For reasons I don't want to talk about , we trailered the bike to Reno.

110 miles? Yeah, I usually don't want to put on gear for that short of a ride either.  :wink:

Seriously, sounds like many were leaving the scene of the crime in a hurry. I hate I-80 so much I will almost never take it, car or bike.


September 28, 2011, 08:03:41 PM #22 Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 08:06:10 PM by TweekmyTwin
I split lanes whenever I can if the traffic is backed's my choice... no one elses..
Oh.. I never split lanes at highway speeds :wink:
Kiss What ?


 :agree: with Tweek,  when I was working in the bay area, always took the bike to work on Friday,  split even the commuter lanes it was a parking lot on Friday's.   followed many ChiP on motorbike splitting lanes,  if he was behind me, I would let him up front, seems no one would try to block his way   :hyst:    Have helped many of motorist adjust thier mirror also, they seem to honk the horn to thank me  :nix:


Quote from: JohnCA58 on September 28, 2011, 08:21:30 PM
  Have helped many of motorist adjust thier mirror also, they seem to honk the horn to thank me  :nix:

:hyst: :agree: