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lost trany

Started by hdbikedoc, June 28, 2016, 07:51:04 PM

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 :emoGroan: bought a complete trany for my XB 12s from ebay, there shipping service put wrong label on box so I got a jack and my trany is where ,they just refunded the money but I wanted the trany what a crock
Keep your feet on the pegs and your right hand cranked


Very frustrating. Somebody just opened up a package and said "what the hell is this?"
If the government gives you everything you want,
it can take everything you have.


don't take the money?
when jack guy returns the tranny have it sent??

good luck.  what happened to yours??


I think he meant he has a jack where the tranny should be, holding up the motor.
If the government gives you everything you want,
it can take everything you have.


August 17, 2016, 09:32:58 AM #4 Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 09:39:52 AM by garyajaz
does it have a trans door?
been  told the XB's don't??
if no door cases must be split and engine disassembled to service tranny.
now that bit of news AFTER I bought my 03 XB9 SUCKED.

confirmed in my service manual.
step one in tranny work is split the cases.
no joy.  when I found out this bit of news I shift real easy.
don't need a bent shift fork.


Well no luck with E-Bay shipping just got my money back anyway customer just brought  in 2012 883 in with rear piston disintegrated just piston pin left in hole
anyway picked this bike up cheap so its going to be donor for xb12s trany    part numbers the same,  :up: yes trany is case split 2004 and up.

this Buell had an oil change at Chevy dealer where they forgot to put oil in trany after draining for sure a bad shift fork nice project I didn't want to start disassembly till I had parts in hand nothing worse that taking apart bike and packing it up in boxes for reassembly months later
I always seem to collect the unfortunate bikes but satisfaction with recycling rides
Keep your feet on the pegs and your right hand cranked