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Memorial for Grumpy Sunday Aug. 24... A Sad Ride

Started by the original Breeze, August 21, 2014, 09:52:06 AM

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the original Breeze

I just got off the phone with Sheri and the memorial service for Grumpy will be this Sunday (Aug 24) at the Iron Horse in Ormond Beach at 2pm. Steve is opening up the back section for us to use so there will be plenty of parking for cars and bikes, as well as the bar up front for anyone who wishes to get a Bloody Mary to toast his memory. The Chaplain and the Honor Guard from the American Legion will be there also to do a service. For anyone who needs it, the address is 1068 N US Highway 1, Ormond Beach, FL 32174

Any and all that can make it are welcome to come. For those that can't make it, we are asking for a moment of silence at 2:30pm in his memory.


For those that have Facebook, there is an event page here ---->

~Follow up to the memorial service...

Last week was a blow to many of us, especially those of us that go back to the original HTT and OFOPOS waaaaay back when on MSN Groups.  The news broker that we had lost the official Ambassador of those groups Bruce John's aka Grumpy :( needless to say, as soon as I got the news I rearranged my schedule and made plans to head for Fla once the arrangements were known.  While I do not claim to have the same wit, or picture taking abilities that our beloved ambassador had, in his honor I am posting this as a ride I was able to take in his honor and memory on the loop that we rode together so many times....

Saturday 8/23

Started out interesting, I had gotten the bike packed the night before and got up ready to roll nice and early... a light breakfast and a double strong cup of coffee and I was ready to go... NOT!! Pulled out the driveway and the clutch started slipping!!! Make a quick u-turn, into the garage and break out the wrenches to do some adjusting, hoping I am not going to have to make a screaming trip down the road to the Harley dealer to get a clutch set.... a few minutes later and a quick test ride to confirm and yep, all it needed was an adjustment and I am back on the road. Weather forecast is for "BLOODY FREAKING HOT!!" so I grabbed a couple bottles of water and thrown them in the front and rear cupholders and I am on the way!! (Yes, I have gone to the dark side, while I still have the trusty ol' Shovel, I have also added an 08 Ultra to the garage also!) A couple hours later I jump onto the interstate just west of Savannah and make a quick run over to 95 and then it's southward bound. Stop at Richmond Hill and top off the fuel and drop the gas cap... SPROING!!! Out come the innards for the vent!  :emoGroan: Snap it all back together and back on the road, did I mention it was HOT?!?!? and now I have the joyous smell of gas fumes as the cap is not venting right. Oh well, I'll deal with it when I get to Ormond. On the brightside, the new amp on the Alpine is working like a top, and I can cruise at 85-90 and still jam to the stereo, so at least that's good. Get into Ormond, get checked in and unpack and get ready for tomorrow.

Sunday 8/24

Get up and get ready to head for the Iron Horse... make sure the camera has batteries and head that way... please don't expect Grumpy's wit and observations on these pics, as his outlook on life was definitely unique and one of a kind, not to mention, he was a heckuva lot better at shooting pics while riding than I am!!

Sitting at the stoplight waiting for it to turn.... nope, they still haven't fixed the sensitivity of the trigger and you have to get it juuuuust right to get it to change!

Headed down US1 to the Horse

The Horse.... as I am pulling in, I notice a familiar white pickup sitting there...

Steve has driven Grumpy's truck up to start the day, I grab a couple things off the bike and get ready to go inside....

This is one of the things I brought down for the service... I called the local FastSigns up on Thursday and told them what I was wanting/needing a memorial banner, and that he loved riding his Roadglide and taking pictures... and oh, I need it by tomorrow too... they said "no problem, we'll get it done"... this is what they came up with.... I think they succeeded!

Once inside, the obligatory Bloody Mary's were ordered... one for me, and one in honor placed in front of the seat he would use when it was part of the Sunday routine I used to do with Grumpy.

Steve and Randy, right after we lifted a toast to his memory...

While he wasn't there in person, he was definitely there in spirit.... another "in memory of pic added to the wall. :(

and the signing of the wall..... In memory of Grumpy

And I would be remiss if I didn't post this!!!

The obligatory Lisa pic!!

A bit later we went out front to the picnic table where he would sit and catch comings and goings... outside there was already a group sharing "Grumpy" stories....

His spot at the table.... Bloody Mary and a camera ready to go.... it seemed as if any minute he would walk back out from going inside to use the head :(

Randy, Breeze, and Steve, with the Bloody Mary and camera ready, holding a place for him at the table in his memory.

My 08 Ultra holding his parking spot for him...

At this point, I will simply share some pics, as I don't have the words to caption these pictures the way he would.... so just some pics from the Horse...

Finally it was time to head inside, hit the head and ride the loop... one last look inside the bar and let Lisa know I was heading out....

I then headed back up US1 to the loop that we rode so often together.... once again, while there may be some comments... mainly memories of when we did this ride on a regular basis... its going to be mostly pics as I could never do the commentary on it that he could... one thing I found interesting, there was very little traffic on the loop. Only passed a couple bikes and cars on it.... I kept looking back expecting to see him rolling along behind me busily snapping pictures.

One of only a couple bikes I passed on the loop...

This is the swampy area where he managed to take pics of birds so very often....

I remember one time, Grumpy shared some history on this house with me, whether it was how old it was, some claim to fame or what I can't remember now :( I do know that we both liked it for it's seclusion and the peacefulness of it's location....

When it says 10mph, it means 10mph!! Overshoot this one and you're going to have a wet bad day!

Whats waiting for you if you overshoot that curve

And the infamous drawbridge... no boats coming up the waterway tho...

Then a quick left on A1A and up to Finnegans....

We stopped in this place once after I first moved to Florida... the food wasn't too bad as I recall...

Looking at the front deck from the table we used to sit at...

and the obligatory beach shot....

I ordered the lunch we always used to get... fish and chips... they always had, and still have some of the best fish and chips in the area as far as I'm concerned.... I remember one of the things he always liked about them was they served two HUGE pieces of fish, and he would eat one and most of the fries and take the other home for dinner....

and the lovely waitress that served it.... (no, I didnt get her name)

The waitresses at Finnegans

Didn't really see many classic cars or bikes or even bikinis running around, altho there was this 1970 F-series pickup...

and at least the lifeguards were in bikinis...

Looking back down the bar towards the table that we occupied so many Sundays...

I took one last look around remembering all the time we had spent together up on the deck.... taking JohnFatBoy and Stacy there for lunch...  the bartender that got mad when he took a pic of her tattoo... the jokes, laughs, memories and stories we had shared over the years and then it was time to head back for the memorial service.

The obligatory bike pic from the upper deck...

I got back to Ormond and hooked up with Sheri, Annie, Randy, and Steve to get ready to head up to the memorial service....

Annie getting ready to go

Grumpy's bike loaded and ready to go...

The tag we always looked forward to seeing.....

At that point, I put on the flashers and took point to escort his bike to the horse... One last ride together.... :sad:

As I was escorting Grumpy's bike up US1, a lone WWII fighter made a low slow pass overhead...

Once we got to the Horse we unloaded the bike... Steve had graciously offered to open up the back, and even had one of the gals start moving chairs down from the upper decks to the stage area for seating...

Grumpy's bike on the stage area...

Memorial board for Grumpy...

Grumpy's bike...

Getting ready for the service.... thankful that the chairs were on the stage in the shade, as it was HOT!! As I mentioned on FB, kind of like it was Grumpy's way of saying, "don't drag this out too long, its getting late and I'm ready to call it quits for the day!"

I'm also thankful I was able to get in touch with Mikey... those of you who followed Grumpy's posts over the years know that Mikey was one of the regulars from way back when... he also had dropped out of sight for a while after his health got way worse.... when I saw him today, he looked the best I had probably ever seen him.

The Chaplain presiding over the service

This is where it get's difficult... Nice does not do justice as a word to describe the service. It was more than just nice.... moving, comforting, sad, and funny are all words that come to mind as the Chaplain talked about a man who had touched so many lives... the emotion that was there and that was felt was deep and real! When Sheri and Grumpy's grandson spoke, the pain they felt, we all felt. I think the best word is love! That is the only word that can come close to describing the feelings that those of us there, as well as those that were there in spirit from all across the world that took time to honor his memory that afternoon felt.... love....  :cry:

Reading the Proclamation honoring Grumpy

Preparing to do the tolling of the ships bell....

The Honor Guard firing the salute

and the Bugler rendering Taps...

The presenting of the Flag to the family...

After that, we moved up to the front of the Horse where the story telling began in earnest, most everyone of them beginning with some version of "I remember the time Grumpy..." and then another warm and heartfelt memory would be shared!

At 3:30, we all bowed our heads in silent prayer to honor and remember a man who had meant so much to so many, and then a final toast was raised "TO GRUMPY!" that had the whole front porch raising a toast to his memory.

Afterwards, I left and joined Mikey at the Pigstand up by Destination Daytona, which was the other place Bruce and I would go eat at (sorry, no pics) where we ordered babyback ribs (no sauce) and reminisced some more about Grumpy.

Monday 8/25

I got up early and checked out of the motel, hit 95 and started heading north, knowing it was going to be another hot day.... right before dawn I pulled off into a rest area to watch the sunrise... the weather was so-so... scattered storms up by Jacksonville, and patches of clouds and humid... end result, it wasn't a blazing ball of fire, but more an extreme palette of colors... reds, yellows, oranges, purples, and rose hues as the sun rose... right when the colors maxed out, it started to mist rain.....

From the Memorial Card at the service:

I'm Free

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
I'm following the path God laid for me.
I took His hand when I heard him call;
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way;
I found that place at the close of day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared a laugh, a kiss;
Ah yes, these things, I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much;
Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.
Perhaps my time seems all to brief;
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me,
God wanted me now, He set me free.

In loving memory of Bruce "Grumpy" Johns
Sept. 29 1946
Kittanning, Pennsylvania

August 19, 2014
Daytona Beach, Florida

Ride free my friend.... until we meet again on the other side and can ride together again. RIP.



Everyone wants to change the world but, no one wants to change the toilet paper.


ᎠᏎᏊᎢ Leonard Peltier



I'll go buy some Bloody Mary parts just to honor Grumpy at 2:30pm this Sunday.

Coff 06

Would like to be there.Just a little too far to come from the West Coast.Will do a moment
At 230, then hoist a little something in his memory.             Coff 06
06 FX Springer, 98",11/1,9B+4*,HPI 55/58 /5.3inj,HDSP Pro Street heads,123/118

honey bunny

We will honor him here with a Memorial drink. I will miss him.................


I didn't know he passed.  I am very sorry, I really enjoyed his pictures and comments.  I have anxiously waited for his posts every week for a few years.  RIP


RIP an Respect Sir I will miss your pics,,  I will take the time on the 24th to pay my respects to him,,


so sad to lose Grumpy...  He was so brave right up to the end..


God Bless you Grumpy, we will miss your humor....and unique perspective.
1996 80" Wide Glide 10.5-1 85HP/85Ft; 1999 Ultra 95" 6speed; 1989 FXRS



    R .I.P .   Grumpy   god bless you   


124"@ 11.1 to 1, T-man 662-2, T-man thumper, woods CV 51 carb,  Bassini RR


I'm gonna have a Bloody Mary and eat some bacon @ 2:30 PM Sunday. I sure wish I could be there at the legion hall with every one. RIP Grumpy....





thanks breeze ,I remember the pictures of your shovel grumpy used to take


Sh*t  that was quick.  Gone too soon. Cheers n tears 2:30 Sunday. 

Panama City Fl





2PM Sunday will be 8PM over here.  I'll be the one standing with my head bowed.  Godspeed, Grumpy.