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Another clutch issue

Started by rider7816, December 26, 2016, 04:59:39 AM

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Happy Holidays to everyone.

So it is kind of a tradition for me to wrench on something on a holiday ( Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc) I guess I just like pain.

So yesterday I dragged my 1977 xlh out to try and finish my reassembly.  Im at the point where I only have the gas tank, seat, and primary to install.
20 minutes right???  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  :banghead:

I must have installed and removed the primary 25 times.  Here's the issue.  When installing the primary I cant pull on the clutch lever at the handle bars.  I first noticed that the little ball bearings that are in the clutch ramp were falling out of there spots.  I packed the clutch ramp with grease to try and hold them steady for reassembly.  Still no good.  Next, I remembered that I bought a brand new clutch ramp assembly a while back because the old adjustment was buggered.
Installed the new one, STILL NO GOOD.

Continuing on in the holiday spirit I then scratched my head for a few minutes.  I noticed that when I spun the rear wheel, even when in gear, the clutch basket was still free spinning.  Ah ha!  During the clutch basket reassembly Im guessing something happened.

I got my compression tool out, disassembled everything triple checking everything and then reassembled everything.  Viola, clutch spins nice and free, actuation works perfect.  Now, I know for a fact, the clutch mechanism bolted to the primary is working perfect. 

I then proceed to install the primary cover again.  THE DAMN CLUTCH LEVER IS STILL NOT WORKING.  IT IS BINDING ON SOMETHING.

Anyone ever run into this before????



lol  once past 65 its daily for  me.

I haven't  been in my primary in a few years    its a 1974, if I remember there was a shield of some sort. if cable on wrong side?


Hold on, there is a big piece of the story missing I think.

Before you put the cover on, what are you doing to the clutch release and cable adjustment? This is what I do.

1. Loosen the lock nut on the release and back the screw way out, as in 5-7 turns.
2. Loosen the lock nut on the cable adjuster and turn it in. Make sure the lever is in the home position (i.e. not pulled to the bar)
3. Looking inside the primary at the release mechanism, adjust the cable so that the balls and ramp are in their most seated (i.e home position). I do it this way so the cable holds the ramps and balls in the ramps and so that there can be no pressure on the clutch plate.
4. NOW put the outer primary on.
5. Turn the release adjuster screw in until it 'just' makes contact with the clutch plate. This will hold the balls and ramps together.
6. Turn the cable adjuster in a few turns until there is a lot of free play on the lever.
7. Turn the release adjuster screw in about 2 turns after it makes contact with the clutch plate. This holds the balls/ramps in the absolute lowest (home) position.
8. Take all the slack out of the clutch cable with the cable adjuster, just until it pulls the lever into the home position. Tighten the lock nut on the cable adjuster, but don't over do it. It can easily pull the adjuster right out of the threads in the primary housing. (don't ask!)
9. Turn the release adjuster screw out until there is no pressure on the clutch plate. Then turn it back in until you just feel it contact the plate (screw starts to get harder to turn).
10. Turn it out 1/8 turn.
11. Hold it there and lock down the lock nut. (I use a 13/16" spark plug socket for this, with the flat blade screwdriver through the hole in the socket and a box end wrench on the socket)

Done! If that don't do it, ping us back and will take it from there.

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber


Quote from: JW113 on December 26, 2016, 10:51:18 AM
Hold on, there is a big piece of the story missing I think.

Before you put the cover on, what are you doing to the clutch release and cable adjustment? This is what I do.

1. Loosen the lock nut on the release and back the screw way out, as in 5-7 turns.
2. Loosen the lock nut on the cable adjuster and turn it in. Make sure the lever is in the home position (i.e. not pulled to the bar)
3. Looking inside the primary at the release mechanism, adjust the cable so that the balls and ramp are in their most seated (i.e home position). I do it this way so the cable holds the ramps and balls in the ramps and so that there can be no pressure on the clutch plate.
4. NOW put the outer primary on.
5. Turn the release adjuster screw in until it 'just' makes contact with the clutch plate. This will hold the balls and ramps together.
6. Turn the cable adjuster in a few turns until there is a lot of free play on the lever.
7. Turn the release adjuster screw in about 2 turns after it makes contact with the clutch plate. This holds the balls/ramps in the absolute lowest (home) position.
8. Take all the slack out of the clutch cable with the cable adjuster, just until it pulls the lever into the home position. Tighten the lock nut on the cable adjuster, but don't over do it. It can easily pull the adjuster right out of the threads in the primary housing. (don't ask!)
9. Turn the release adjuster screw out until there is no pressure on the clutch plate. Then turn it back in until you just feel it contact the plate (screw starts to get harder to turn).
10. Turn it out 1/8 turn.
11. Hold it there and lock down the lock nut. (I use a 13/16" spark plug socket for this, with the flat blade screwdriver through the hole in the socket and a box end wrench on the socket)

Done! If that don't do it, ping us back and will take it from there.


Im doing those steps in the exact order you listed.  #7 is where I stumble.  While typing this a light bulb just went off.  Im at work right now, when I get home Im gonna check my theory and get back to you guys.



#1. Thanks for the responses, sometimes just see aomething written by someone else clears things up.


End result i didn't realize that the nut on the end of the rocker adjuster was too far in and while tightening the adjuster bolt (step 7) it would bottom out. I was ao tired yesterday that I didn't even notice.

While banging my head at work is when I thought of it.  I couldn't wait to get home and check it out.

All is well now.

