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General / Feuling AR Dogball baffles
Last post by Twistedtwincam - February 12, 2025, 09:12:22 AM
Anyone on the forum have any experience using Feuling AR dog ball or Khrome Werks HP Plus baffles in Vance & Hines Big shot staggered with the crossover ? 

For my Hot Rod Dyna Fat Bob looks out of sorts with a two into one, all due respect that's my opinion.

Recently took the drive to Jet Hot in N.C. To have my VH BS coated and plan to re-Install, knowing I will be giving up some lower end but willingly taking on traditional sound and traditional looks-

Those baffles look interesting and there is not Much data out there, hoping to gain some advice and solid knowledge- Thanks
General / Re: Oil relocation setup
Last post by Wookie3011 - February 11, 2025, 08:46:15 PM
Perfect! They have a universal bolt on kit real reasonable to. Just have to adapt off that. Trying to keep the front down tube's clear because I know I'm going to either tig up a Turbo or just flip for the Aero next off season. I should of just did it in the beginning and I would be ahead, but knowledge is worth money to.
General / Re: Oil relocation setup
Last post by Wookie3011 - February 11, 2025, 08:35:25 PM
Moore sensible I hadn't heard of but am really liking the placement on it. Inspiration indeed. I wonder if they would be willing to sell just the bracket and filter connect or rear only setup?
General / Re: Oil relocation setup
Last post by Wookie3011 - February 11, 2025, 08:31:10 PM
Ive looked at DK but really wanted to do it up nice with metal lines. Is there a issue with premature leaks using say 3/8 ID flared connections? I purchased twisted Choppers attachment but was going to make the lines from there to use a paper filter. Under the floorboards is a no go for a FLSTFBS as its already lowered and the lean angle is limited.
Twin Cam / Re: 2016 FLSTFBS Timken tool q...
Last post by Wookie3011 - February 11, 2025, 08:24:38 PM
Twin Cam / Re: 2016 FLSTFBS Timken tool q...
Last post by rigidthumper - February 11, 2025, 08:23:49 PM
Yes. I use the case wedge points to separate the case halves, lift off the cam side, remove all the balancer parts, the press the wheels out.
Twin Cam / Re: 2016 FLSTFBS Timken tool q...
Last post by Wookie3011 - February 11, 2025, 06:43:37 PM
Perfect,thanks Robin. Been a little slow getting to it. Seems like everything happens all at once sometimes. Needed the harley wrenching therapy. I'm just a wierd guy as it's like reloading ammo, brings me peace and Solice. I believe your talking about the Balancer support assembly 14728-07?
General / Re: Oil relocation setup
Last post by IronButt70 - February 11, 2025, 05:48:33 PM
Quote from: itsafatboy on February 11, 2025, 03:39:24 PMDK custom makes a nice relocation kit,
Could this work on bike with ABS and an oil cooler radiator mounted on the left side frame up tube?
General / Re: Oil relocation setup
Last post by kd - February 11, 2025, 04:47:55 PM
I have been using the Moore Sensible Products relocation kit since 2014.  It mounts under the left rear passenger foot board and uses a tad over 6' of 3/8" rubber hose under the engine and transmission.  For one, it adds a noticeable volume of oil and oil filter change / surviceing is wide open, a real breeze and never a drop of oil on the bike.  I wish I would have done a temp reading before and after but I am sure getting that filter body out from in front of the hot engine dead air and into the air flow has made a big difference in cooling too.

Moore recently had a life change, closed shop and moved.  No word on whether he will reopen but it should answer your oil flow question and some folks have pieced together a kit to make their own.  There's lots of info online with a search including discussions on HTT.  Like many others, I consider the relocation one of the best mods I have done.
General / Re: Change stator or not?
Last post by Coyote - February 11, 2025, 04:02:37 PM
HDs 3 phase as well as the aftermarket higher current and newer stuff all uses a series regulator. They don't dissipate unused power like the old, shunt systems did. It's not a problem having a larger setup, regardless of your load usage.