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Grumpy : ( Update

Started by Grumpy : (, August 05, 2014, 11:32:44 PM

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I too, just am reading this, and its very sad. I had been looking daily for updates, and was wondering how things were going. I hope he is at peace now, and just think of all the bikinis he gets to chase now! They say when you get there, you go to the best your body was, so just think of them all! Rest in peace, Grumpy, tought and prayers for you and your loved ones. :sad:


Just sat down to enjoy the evening and this appears.  Very sad news. 


I'm very sorry to hear of his passing. RIP! :sad: I feel fortunate to have meet him and had a beer with him at the Legion once.  Thank you for your service Grumpy!!! :up: :up:  Prayers and condolences for his family.   


 :sad: I sure enjoyed his pictures
Now I know, why some animals eat their young.


Sad to hear of his passing. My weekends always ended with viewing Grumpys weekly thread. I sure will miss him and his pictures and comments. May eternal peace be with you.


Very sad to hear..  Rip Grumpy. you will be missed..  :sad:



Good-Bye Grumpy..........God Speed :sad:
I'm not a gynecologist but I'll take a lOOk...


 :sad: R.I.P. Grumpy. Sundays wont be the same without his pictures. Never met him but felt like I knew him through the pictures.



Very sad news.  Never met Grumpy, but felt like I knew him from his weekly pictures and comments.  He will be missed and remembered.


wow I read the opening statement and posted, then I went back and read of his passing.I never met him but it has been a pleasure knowing him thru Htt. RIP brother,ride free up above!!!!! prayers go out to family and friends.


These are the facts according to my opinions.


RIP Bro. I too have never met Grumpy but will miss him just the same. Already have lost three bros this year, this doesn't get any easier.

   God Speed   :sad: :sad:

No Problem

 :hug:hang in there wishing you the best, kneemail sent


Grumpy touched the lives of so many through his hosting of meet & greets during bike weeks and his love of the camera. You'll be missed, Grumpy. RIP



..sadly mised...without you Grumpy...we'll all be a little grumpy :sad:


"Potty mouth", that sucks.  But as stated, at least he is not in pain nor suffering.  I for one am pleased to say that I had the chance to meet up with him and share a cold one in my travels.  May he ride on.........................   R.I.P. Grumpy

:sad:   :sad:    :sad:



Such sad news. R.I.P Grumpy.


   sad to hear  He will be missed


This sucks........didn't see this's gonna be a very cold winter without G. R.I.P.


Quote from: Bike31 on August 19, 2014, 12:05:54 PM
This says it all about his courage...From his last blog: "See ya, next time. G  : ("

The man made a difference in many lives.  May have even shown some how to face the end.  Gods Speed Grumpy


R.I.P. Grumpy. GBNF.
Thanks for all you shared with everyone around you.


WOW , didn't want to read this first thing in the morning. Very sad news . Condolences to his Family & Friends. Sundays will not be the same without Grumpys Pics

No Cents

I just seen this....and I'm at a lose for words. 

God's speed my friend...and may you ride on the wings of angels!

R.I.P. "G"   :sad:

08 FLHX my grocery getter, 124ci, wfolarry 110" heads, Burns pipe, 158/152 sae