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HD mega log viewer vs PV

Started by Sunny Jim, February 14, 2021, 06:16:43 AM

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Sunny Jim

I regularly record data from my PV ( target tune) Andrews display
My question is to accuracy of PV vs HDMLV.
Which is


Sorry but your question makes no sense. MLV just displays data.


I presume the op is asking PV Autotune results. vs. Using MLV to crunch a log file and show you what it thinks the VE tables should look like ??

and there are wildly different numbers at times, but you need to discount all of the transients and file cut off events and such ...deviations to get to the answer ...especially if you are not in autotune mode and have to contend with PE and accel and decel enrich and enleanment

My 2c ...I'm tuning mine at the minute and an letting PV AT do it's thing, but I take a log of the session as well and see what MLV says ...sometimes you see things and think, that doesn't look right so a manual tweak here n there maybe based on what MLV suggested.

Sunny Jim

Thanks Gordon. When I posted the original , it was late, I was tired and the red wine was flowing.
I questioned the accuracy of the PV logged data displayed on MLV.
I wondered what was more accurate -
The auto tuned results on the map or the data
Collected and displayed on MLV.
MLV values appear to be lower than that
I rely on the MLV data.


When I did the 103 a small while back I came to the conclusion that the PV wasn't that great, but more likely ...street tuning was pot luck, to a large extent.

PV would tune it one way one day, then swing it the other way the next day, and not just by a couple of percent either.

Two things helped
using the last display mode in the autotune data logging - the one that zooms in on what cell you are on - that way you can see and hopefully hit the middle of those cells ...while avoiding having an accident cos you aint watching the road (which is another can for street tuning)

The second thing is what we are getting at here - use autotune AND take a log of it at the same time to put in MLV and compare results / spot anomalies.

BUT - get to know MLV, and filter out all of the transient stuff you can.  Switching the filter on and off and you get to see what bad data can mess up i.e. especially around the edges of your data set.

Other tricks for MLV include making bigger tables than you need so you can spread out the data and see the bits you really need e.g. instead of a table with columns for 30, 40, and 50 make a table with 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50, but you only want every second column (and same for RPM rows) ...if you see what I'm getting at

Sunny Jim

Given I have no direct access to a Dyno, I am a seat of the pants DIY tuner.
The MLV has been essential. The histogram function is an
Asset to any


me too bud, me too, and I still don't know the half of it  :smile: