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I'm here

Started by Lew, October 31, 2008, 08:12:45 PM

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Been lurkin out here for a while.Got lots of time on my hands now so will be around.
Don't let the bastards get you down!

kennny J

My Dad used to say: My parents were WELLOFF and I'm just a LITTLEOFF !
First time I been kicked out of an MSN site.
But here I am I even brought the 78 FLH


'Bout lost me on that last curve, but I cought up with the front of the pack again!


November 01, 2008, 11:56:31 PM #29 Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 12:08:29 AM by nomadbkr
 .. uhhh .. is dis where I waz goin ? .. lol
.. hello all ..
... nomad103 here .. the party can start now ..  ;D
.. figured now was the time, so I changed my nic' to nomadbkr cuz I no longer run 103" ..
.. I'm likin the new an improved HTT .. thx mgr's !! ..
.. gonna take some learnin to figure it all out cuz I R not so quick on this darn puter ..
.. so I'll be postin on the old board for awhile still I guess ...
.. here or there, I'll be typin at y'all ..


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Me too!  Me too!!  Me too!!!


November 02, 2008, 05:48:30 AM #32 Last Edit: November 02, 2008, 05:51:09 AM by byob
I'm here. Changed my login, too long to type. Was axbycz321. I wonder how many won't
bother to register over here.

This board allows post editing too.


cant imagine we will have the amount of folks we had before[close to 30000] as alot joined to ask a specific question or sell something,so i would think a thinning of the herd is a good thing, i hope alot that rejoin will use their old handle so we all dont have to so to speak start curios as to how much action we will see on the v rod and buel boards as there wasnt a whole lot going on there before.


   I hope we don't lose anyone.  I think some are hanging back to make sure this is the final landing zone.  It got a little confusing over the last few days, I bookmarked so much info I need to clean it all up now.
Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, then come down and shoot the survivors.
 - Ernest Hemingway


I think I made it. This new site is really different




i r here !!! or r i there :o,,ok i shut up now ,,but i dint close the back door neither ::)


I have a shovelhead s+s514 cam s+s e card 92 shovelhead motor with a evo oil system, delkron engine cases s+s five speed trans and the push rodes covers are not sealing in the front cycl. when the motor is running u can see the cover moving up and down in the front exah. side pleas help Thanks


Steven, sounds like the pushrod is rubbing inside the tube.  Pull it apart and have a look.  Might be a broken tube spring allowing things to rub and leak.
-It is now later than it has ever been before-


Just sayin' hey. ;D Lot's of buttons to play with and a speel sheker for Pappyfreebird 8)


Quote from: Steven on November 02, 2008, 11:54:01 AM
I have a shovelhead s+s514 cam s+s e card 92 shovelhead motor with a evo oil system, delkron engine cases s+s five speed trans and the push rodes covers are not sealing in the front cycl. when the motor is running u can see the cover moving up and down in the front exah. side pleas help Thanks

.. steve .. I'm with Lewy on this one ..
.. sounds like the pushrod is making contact with the pushrod tube on the front exhaust ..
.. front exh. is always the worst for this cuz of the angle .. if you have the S&S pushrods, the cure I'm told is to shorten the small (upper) tube by about 1/4" .. the reason is cuz the "too big to clear" locking nuts on the phat pushrod is clipping the bottom of the upper tube .. shortening the upper tube enough to clear will depend on the cam lift you run, but 'bout 1/4" is a good starting point ..
.. you might get a good idea 'bout how much to remove by kicking the motor thru while holding JUST the upper pushrod tube in place by hand to see what it'll take to miss the nut when that valve cycles thru ..
.. removing the spark plugs will make that easier .. if you have no kicker, you can roll it thru with the rear wheel off the ground in gear ..

.. the idea is to shorten the top pushrod tube to make room so the locking nut misses when the pushrod is pushing up, but not to shorten the upper tube too much, to the point of making the tube assembly too weak to stay together good ..

.. good luck,



me too. been riden i think this is our indian summer here in in. 70's all this week :)   rex


v10ole here, Hiiiiiiiiii.


Finally made it.  I think this will be great.  after I put in some time on this new site.


Another change!!!!  Heck we haven't even gotten past the one coming up in Tuesday! ::)
;D ;D


looks like a cool site.
Just have to find my way around.

