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Been Waiting Two Years For This Picture

Started by 04customking, April 04, 2009, 01:53:47 PM

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Thanks for the kind words. I didn't see Bart's question from awhile ago either, sorry Bart. Yes, the front caliper is off the 2000 up harleys. They're cheap and everywhere.
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


Ok hows bout an update as I'm sure theres no snow now that it's July. Hows it go down the road?

Little Al

she's going down the road good now I asuume? she really is a sharp looker. i just relooked over this entire thread since it was bumped back up. congrats again on a great job
Little Al


It really drives nice. The front end seems a little hard but nothing too bad. I just can't start the freakin thing. One day it starts up fine and like now, it's been two days of kicking and it won't fire. I'm glad it looks good 'cause that's all it does now. I checked compression today and checked the pushrods and they're good. I had 98 on the front and 100 on the rear. I ecpected more but with that Andrews A cam, that I wish I replaced when I put it together, those numbers might be in line. I am ready to put it away. I'm getting too old for all this kicking.
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom

Little Al

I lucked out, my is a 3 kicker hot or cold. the only time it might take more then 3 kicks is if it runs for < 1 minute then I shut it down, then it usually take 5-7 kicks. if I let it warm up 2 minutes or more it's reliable 3 kicker.

I have no idea what cam I have in it, not a single marking on it when I had it out, but it was in the motor when I bought. I'm also running solids with aluminum pushrods set up pretty tight (barely turn with 3 fingers, 1 drop of oil in the cup). She runs really good, I'm a happy camper.

I know you've been struggling with your ignition, been watching your thread on it with Craig. Like your oiling problem when you first got her running, you'll work it out.

btw, again, not know what cam I have and with stock, standard pistons (not oversized) I have 121 in front and 119 in rear
Little Al


That's great Al. Mine starts almost first kick after it's been run but when it's cold she is a bitch. I spent all that money on an ignition that I know nothing about. I really can't believe there is a problem with it at all but I just keep wondering. I know people use that cam alot but I suspect that's where my problem lies. My other stuff just doesn't play well with that cam. I need to walk away from it again for awhile. I'm going to upper New Hampshire on the RK in a couple of weeks. I'll clear my head then. Gotta stock up on the Jack.
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


If you want a reliable 2 kick cold ignition get a Hunt magneto.


That's probably what I should have done. I really do believe that this ignition is fine. Hell, Craig has it and loves it so I gotta believe that I have other issues.
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom

Little Al

Jim, if ya run low I always have plenty of Jack on hand, I'm a Tennessee Squire after all, lol Many times problems have been solved for me by Jack.

Best advice is your own, walk away for a while take the RK on that ride and remember why you love bikes in the first place. Good luck bro
Little Al


Kick it a couple of times then pull the plugs.  See if they are dry.  I've had good luck with that ignition.

With a new bike/combination, I usually do some practice starts at home until I learn what the combination is. 
There's miles to go before I sleep.


Pzokes, believe me I have. That's one of the things that bothers me. When it doesn't start and I think it's flooded I pull them and they do NOT appear to be wet but if I toss in the spare set on the bench it will usually start in a few kicks. Not always but usually. So I think it's flooded but the plugs don't appear to be.
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


Would you humor me and squirt some starting fluid down the carb for a quick 2 seconds.  Then try turning the ignition on and kick it.
There's miles to go before I sleep.




July 27, 2009, 05:11:32 PM #38 Last Edit: July 27, 2009, 05:15:42 PM by Pzokes
OK, just a quick squirt.  I count fast.
There's miles to go before I sleep.


I will have to get some. I don't have any here. I came home from work today and glared at her for a second and walked away. I came back to leave on the road king and glared again for a few seconds and said what the hell and gave it one and a half twists and pulled the enrichener on and kicked it once and then with the key on kicked it and she started right up on the second kick. I really think Craig nailed it with me not having the voes wire grounded. I had the timing advanced a bunch so that it ran down the road good but too much for it to start. Now the timing is where it should be and for ONCE it started good and when I twisted the throttle it seemed way more responsive than before. That reminds me that I have to answer to Craig on his post in my other thread. His instructions are different than mine. No mention of grounding the wire on mine. I'll do that tomorrow. Thanks all for your help with this. Jim
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


Here's todays update. With the voes wire grounded and the new Bosch plugs from the other day, one and a half twists with the enrichener on, no "practice" kicks with the key off, key on and ONE kick. This thing is going to drive me to drink.....oh wait, too late. This is great if it keeps up. Took it around the block and it runs good, but not great. I think I might have some carb jetting issues too. Seems lean. The starting issue will be huge if that is fixed. I will keep this updated. Thanks again for all the suggestions guys. Jim
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


Great. I checked my Power-Arc directions, and they say to ground the VOES wire when not using it.  My system rotates opposite from yours and Craig's and is on a "cone" cam cover bottom end.  
There's miles to go before I sleep.


Strange how mine don't say anything about grounding. Anyways, today I came home and tried the same technique. Almost caught on the first kick but stalled, and hasn't started yet. About 20 more kicks with varying pops and "almost" catches and nothing so I am done looking at this thing until I get back from the weekend. I've had it.
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


What kind of oil are you using right now?


Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


Oh yea, I couldn't wait for the weekend. It won't start. POS
Jim  '54 FL Pan. '04 RK Custom


Thinner oil in a cold motor will help the motor to spin faster allowing easier starting- 60 wt at 75 degrees will not spin as fast as 50 wt. When the motor and oil are hot it's no problem. It's a trade off as you need the proper wt oil for when the motor is hot, not when it's cold. It's been fairly cool here for an east coast summer so I haven't gone to 70 wt as I usually would've by now. Even though I weigh 240lbs, and my motor is worn in, 60 wt causes resistance to motor turning over at 75 degrees (or less) in the early morning hours.