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S&S cases with stock steel breather valve

Started by JW113, January 14, 2022, 04:27:19 PM

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Looking for any help/experience with this, searched archive but not finding anything.

I just received a new S&S Super Stock Crankcase for Shovelhead, and am in the process of assembling it. I ran into a problem with the breather valve. I'm reusing the stock metal HD breather valve, but it will not insert fully into the S&S crankcase. I used 1000 grit wet/dry on the breather valve to make sure it is burr free, and it measures at 1.1235 to 1.1240 at all locations. The valve will insert OK at the opening end, gets snug through the screen area, but at that last 3/4" past the screen, it binds up solid. Since the valve measures OK near as I can tell, possibly the breather bore is too tight at the far end?

Any ideas? I did not see this with the S&S instruction sheet, but do S&S cases require the S&S breather valve?

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber

Ohio HD

JW I've used a few S&S Shovel as well as S&S Evo cases over the years. I've never seen where the bore for the breather valve needed to be modified. Might you have another valve to try and fit? Possibly the one you have has issues, and some where down the road your old cases were made to fit?


Yeah, definitely a possibility. AMF era, who knows what went on when these motors were put together. It fit nicely in the stock case, and the bore was perfect, no damage at all. Dunno. Hate to spring for a new breather valve ($100) and find the same issue with it. Would like to analyze this a bit to find the culprit. I only have the valve I have to measure, and there is no spec in "the book" as to what the OD is supposed to be, or what the clearance in the bore is. Just end play.

Will ping S&S, see what they have to say.

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber


      If it were me I'd call S&S customer service and see what they had to say.
Anybody who tries to tell you that the press is the enemy of the people is just that.


January 15, 2022, 03:51:14 AM #4 Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 10:12:33 AM by 76shuvlinoff
Quote from: billbuilds on January 14, 2022, 06:04:55 PMIf it were me I'd call S&S customer service and see what they had to say.

Yeah this is the way to go but IMHO I'm glad JW mentioned it here for the rest of us. 
Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, then come down and shoot the survivors.
 - Ernest Hemingway


Measure the breather hole bore with a bore gauge or snap gauge at several depths to check for taper. And mic the breather.


Yep, did that.

Equipment: Brown & Sharpe 1-2" micrometer, Starrett telescope gauge

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I took measurements in two axes, 1/2" apart down the length of the breather gear and case bore. Now I don't have the specs on what either of these are supposed to be, or the tolerances, but a wild ass guess is the gear is supposed to be a nominal 1.124" dia, and the bore a 1.125" diameter, for a .001" slip fit.

The gear never exceeded 1.1240, and in in places just a couple-ish tenths under, probably from wear. The bore, however, is under 1.1250 in the last 1/2" of depth (where the gear gets bound up), and appears to be a .0001 interference fit. Now, I don't have a tremendous amount of faith in my ability to make zero error measurements, nor do I particularly trust the accuracy of telescopic gauges, but in this case, the data seems to follow the symptom.

The bore in the case is under size in the back.

So what to do? Will call S&S on Monday, but if the solution is with the cases, that either means take to a machine shop to clean up the bore, and who knows how many days/weeks delay in the project. OR, replace the cases, and again, how much delay will that be in transport time?

The only other possibility is to get busy with some emery paper and whittle down the breather gear at the end where the binding is, and call it good. This is not a mission critical part, there is no load bearing on it, and with oil on it and in the bore, it will seal the crankcase exhaust just fine.

Jeez. Time for a beer...

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber


     There's no way I'd start whittling my breather gear down to fit in a brand new set of cases but that's just me. Pin gauges would work to determine where titeness is in breather bore. A machine shop near you might possibly have some that large. Yes I'm glad that this was mentioned and looking forward to hearing what S&S has to say.
Anybody who tries to tell you that the press is the enemy of the people is just that.


Well, my feeling is that the breather valve is easily replaceable, and I indeed went ahead and tried to sand it down where it appeared to be tight in the bore. I don't know what that gear is made of, but damn, it's hard! Sandpaper would not hardly touch it. I ended up taking a cylindrical stone in a Dremel to it, and shaved off about .001" at the end. It will now insert all the way into the bore, but still very tight to turn. Going to put it on hold now until I talk to S&S. Stay tuned...

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber

Ohio HD

JW, keep in mind they do make an oversize breather + 0.030". It may be easier for a machine shop to make a clean straight bore by going oversize. Just in the event S&S says to fix it local.


Thank Ohio, if it comes to that then that would be a good solution. I know Jims USA makes a ream to cut the .030 over hole, might see if my local shop dude has one. But indeed, will see what S&S has to say about all this. I hope they take care of it, they also did right by me in the past.

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber


      Not to change the subject but while your cases are bare are you going to go with a stock oil pump or move up to an S&S pump? You are aware that you'll have to plug an oil passage if using a stock 1980 and earlier oil pump? Just something to give some thought to if you hadn't yet.
Anybody who tries to tell you that the press is the enemy of the people is just that.


LOL! Yes, I got the S&S oil pump to go with this set of cases. Learned my lesson with the Ultima cases I got for my EVO, stock oil pumps just don't work with aftermarket cases.

So the new conundrum... I was setting up the camshaft end play before putting the bottom end together, and lo and behold... when I put the nose cone on, the cam would bind up like a rusty vise. Jeez, what else can go wrong? So what, the bushing is not aligned to this set of cases? It worked fine in the stock cases. I have an old "chrome" nose cone laying around, and checked it out, no issue. Will take the right side case and nose cone to my local shop tomorrow to get it align honed, hopefully that will address it. Will do this AFTER I talk to S&S about the breather gear. And I thought this would be easy. Jeez...!

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber

Ohio HD

That's really strange. I've never seen a cam lock in a Shovel or Evo like that with a used cover, unless a new bushing had been installed in the cam cover. They need to be align reamed when new as you know.

I think I'd try to get those cases replaces. Think about it, that's two separate bores from the same side, the oil breather and the cam bearing bore that both may be skewed due to poor machining. Loose fixturing, or what ever caused it. 


QuoteI think I'd try to get those cases replaces. Think about it, that's two separate bores from the same side, the oil breather and the cam bearing bore that both may be skewed due to poor machining. Loose fixturing, or what ever caused it. 

I'm no machinist but I've seen plenty of "stuff" happen in production. I agree with Brian, suddenly everything is in question and it'll rob you of your peace of mind.
Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, then come down and shoot the survivors.
 - Ernest Hemingway


OK to be fair, the nose cone that I'm using is one I got from eBay, was a non-plated one as I like polished aluminum. I had polished it, then had the cam bearing replaced. Same shop I'm going to take it to today, but he used some other right side case to align hone it. It's very odd that the old original nose cone bolts on and came spins free as the breeze. So I think the problem is not with the cases, but the nose cone bushing. Let's see what an align hone will do. If the tool wasn't so damn expensive, I'd just buy one and do it myself.

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber


I talked to S&S. Not much help, just the typical "never heard of that before". He could not find any info regarding the correct dimensions of the stock breather gear, or what the breather bore diameter is supposed to be. He thought perhaps someone installed an oversize breather gear in this engine sometime in the past. I never heard of a 1 thou oversize breather, only a 30 over to fix damaged bores. He suggested to get an S&S breather gear. Yeah, sure, but what if that binds up too? When I take the case & nose cone to the shop, he probably has an S&S gear or something else to test with.

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber

Ohio HD

I'm disappointed and it's not even my set of cases. At minimum they should be able to give the finished bore size for the breather.   


Well, just not my day. The shop did not have a cam bushing align hone. (so what did he do when he installed the new bushing a couple years ago???). So, hell with it. I ordered one.

He also didn't have a single breather gear lying around. I get the impression he's more or less completely divested from anything but Twin Cams and M8s. I get it. This area has a gazillion Harleys, and you don't see anything but TC or M8 on the road around here. His shop was jam packed with bikes getting performance upgrades or overhauls. Oh well, need to find a new machine shop somewhere around here that still does work on old iron.

So... new S&S breather gear on the way.

However, he told me he has seen this king of thing before. He uses DyeChem, identifies the tight spots, and sands 'em down. Guess that will have to be the solution if the S&S breather is indeed tight also.

One step forward, two steps back...

2004 FLHRS   1977 FLH Shovelhead  1992 FLSTC
1945 Indian Chief   1978 XL Bobber


     That's pretty bull  :turd:  that S&S couldn't have been more help to you. As Brian said, they should have at least given you the size they shoot for in respect to the breather valve bore. There's got to be at least two tools involved in machining that bore, one to rough it out and a second to finish it. Wondering how they QC those cases? Machine tools do get dull and need to be changed out.
     How will that new breather gear fit?   :pop:     
Anybody who tries to tell you that the press is the enemy of the people is just that.

Don D

You missed one honing. Honing a blind hole takes more skill than pushing buttons.


Cant believe S&S machined the case and didnt test fit a breather.Hope you can get in touch with them.


The tech guy on the phone is probably so far removed from anywhere those get machined.
As in any idea of the dimensions.
Even the guy loading them in the machining center probably doesn't know the bore dimension unfortunately.

As you're on your own so to speak at this point it appears.
A few touches with a brake wheel cylinder hone, in the bore perhaps?
If the stones reach the full depth.
Or a small dingle ball hone.

If no, just cram the breather in there and give it a few spins and burnish it to size.  :SM:
(I'm sort of being sarcastic, but have seen machine shops use roller burnishers to size precise bores)


I have a new S&S breather gear here, 33-4241 for L1977-99 BT. Gear end the barrel measures 1.1225, open end measures 1.1223 with properly calibrated Starrett 10ths mic.


Quote from: HD Street Performance on January 18, 2022, 07:22:33 AMYou missed one honing. Honing a blind hole takes more skill than pushing buttons.

     Didn't know that hole was final honed. If it was you'd think that they'd measure it to be sure they were w/in spec. It doesn't take a lot of skill to run a couple of go/no go gauge pins into that hole of every Xth case half that gets machined then honed to check.   
Anybody who tries to tell you that the press is the enemy of the people is just that.