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Andrews or SS gear

Started by N-gin, March 06, 2018, 02:15:46 AM

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I thought S&S made the gear drives for Andrews? or is it the other way around?
Or am I completely wrong?
I'm not here cause of a path before me, Im here cause of the burnout left behind


Andrews makes the gears. They used to make the cams too but now S&S grinds their own.


There's several places that hob the gears for S&S, at least there were.  :wink:


I'm not here cause of a path before me, Im here cause of the burnout left behind

Hillside Motorcycle

S&S started grinding there own cams shortly after they purchased Crane, if I recall.
Otto Knowbetter sez, "Even a fish wouldn't get caught if he kept his mouth shut"


I was thinking of the gears themselves not the cams.
I see some Andrews gears on line for sale and was wondering who actually made them.. the gears that press on the cams.
I'm not here cause of a path before me, Im here cause of the burnout left behind


If they're Andrews gears then Andrews made them. Gear making was their claim to fame. John Andrews is a smart guy.


March 08, 2018, 03:36:38 AM #7 Last Edit: March 08, 2018, 03:44:47 AM by 1FSTRK
Rare in today's world but Andrews is a manufacturer. They many make gears, shafts. and other hard metal parts for their line of parts and for many other companies, and they are not all in the motorcycle business.
"Never hang on to a mistake just because you spent time or money making it."

Hillside Motorcycle

The manufacturing/grinding of HD cams, is not the primary revenue of Andrews Products.
Gear cutting/hobbing is, and for various forms of power transmission.
Otto Knowbetter sez, "Even a fish wouldn't get caught if he kept his mouth shut"


Awesome guys thanks for the info.
I'm not here cause of a path before me, Im here cause of the burnout left behind