Mytune and power vision logs

Started by 1stop, February 12, 2018, 10:12:25 AM

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I bought mytune thinking it could log with PV with the wideband auto tune. Does it,or just in narrowband mode? Got all inputs logging that it said it required. Using PV to log with. Tuning SESPT at now.


The standard version will only work with narrow bands. However if you have a Target Tune module, you can collect data running a TT map and it will process that just fine (as it sees that the same as NB data log).  For me, the only thing I use MT with now is initial spark table help.  WinPV works fine for mapping the VEs IMO


I have thw commercial vs. Frank is working on logs for me. Coyote, you use win p to configure ve's for , say a supertuner? Hows that work?


Quote from: 1stop on February 18, 2018, 02:35:10 PM
I have thw commercial vs. Frank is working on logs for me. Coyote, you use win p to configure ve's for , say a supertuner? Hows that work?

Techno Research does that with their product so I can't see why you can't do it with PV logs. If I were to try it that way, I'd use % change to adjust the VEs across (not the actual VE number)