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American Iron horse 2005 LSC

Started by Bsmith153, March 13, 2020, 01:23:52 PM

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Hey guys, im looking for a 2005 Iron Horse LSC wiring Diagram.  I have the Twin Tec ignition wiring but it doesnt have the circuit breaker in it and thats what I need.  Thanks
I dont race because I think im the fastest
I race because its Fun!

calif phil

I have an owners manual and a binder that came with a new 2005 AIH.   I will dig it out and see if there is any wiring diagrams in it. 

calif phil

99 pages of service information but no wiring diagrams,  :emsad:


Yeah the owner bought the service manual and its kind of a joke.  It does however tell you how many drops of loctite to use on each bolt.  The clutch hub nut is 17 drops. Lol
I dont race because I think im the fastest
I race because its Fun!