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Need Advice on Picking a Cam

Started by DocBar, January 04, 2025, 02:42:00 PM

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Hi, everyone. I'm currently trying to decide between a RS 468 & CR 480 MT. The bike is a 2022 FLHXST with the original intake on it and a shark road 2-1 side dump exhaust. Currently 103 hp & 117 tq. I ride a 50/50 mix of solo/2-up and a mix of around town and long-distance riding. Odometer is at 32K.
I plan on doing either the FM cast intake or the S&S one and adding either the FM 5.5 or Feuling 4.9 injectors. I'd also like some opinions on the S&S and Feuling cam chests. I'm currently leaning towards the S&S cam chest.
I live in the 2000-4000 rpm range 90% of the time.
I'd appreciate any thoughts on any of the mods I listed here.
2022 FLHXST stage 1


You mentioned CR485 MT , I'm guessing you mean CR480 MT ?


Yes. I've been looking at so many cams, my eyes are going crossed!
2022 FLHXST stage 1


I run the CR480MT in my '21 Street Bob. Fuel Moto cast intake, FM 5.5 injectors, Riot 2-1 pipe. It pulls hard from around 2k rpm to 5k ish. Really fun in the little Street Bob.

The combo of the pipe and cam is LOUD. That cam also has a very aggressive idle lope. So much that the compensator rattles when it warms up. The slightest amount of throttle stops the rattle. I keep meaning to talk to FM to see if they recommend adding a touch of idle RPM to calm it down.



I plan on doing supporting mods, such as compensator ramp. Are you running the stock compensator or an aftermarket one?
With such a light bike, do you have to be careful with your right wrist? I ride year around in NE Ohio, so I see some slick roads. 
2022 FLHXST stage 1


Given the range you primarily ride in, I'd say you've chosen 2 suitable camshafts. I've not personally ran either so I can't favor one versus the other.

Personally, I'd keep the OEM cam plate and pump. The cost to benefit ratio simply isn't there. I run the stock setup on my 128".

The exhaust is going to be the X factor. It's looks like a shorter pipe, I can't say I ever seen any data on it. Both cams have enough overlap where the pipe will begin to dictate the curve (for better or for worse). Just something to be aware of up front.


Quote from: Mattls6 on January 05, 2025, 10:39:10 AMGiven the range you primarily ride in, I'd say you've chosen 2 suitable camshafts. I've not personally ran either so I can't favor one versus the other.

Personally, I'd keep the OEM cam plate and pump. The cost to benefit ratio simply isn't there. I run the stock setup on my 128".

The exhaust is going to be the X factor. It's looks like a shorter pipe, I can't say I ever seen any data on it. Both cams have enough overlap where the pipe will begin to dictate the curve (for better or for worse). Just something to be aware of up front.

This ^^^
 a "long pipe" is usually considered better than a "short pipe" if you want to help avoid a "dip" in lower torque delivery. The cam will also make the bike quite a bit louder due to the exhaust duration increase.
A Shovel And A 55-Gallon Drum Can Solve Alot Of Life's Little "Issues"...


I know several big inch builds running the stock Oil pump, 2020 or newer with no issues.  Put 42,000 trouble free miles on my 130" M8 with 167 Torque and 163 HP.

I know a few people running the CR-480 MT.  Very good results with it.  My build above was the CR-482 which likes more compression, which I had.

As mentioned pipes make a big difference.  Longer is usually better, bigger baffle is not always better.  It can cause a torque drop if too big.  My baffles in the above build were only 2.25"
2023 CVO Road Glide Whiskey Neat
2021 Pan America Special, Gray,  2003 Fatboy


QuoteI plan on doing supporting mods, such as compensator ramp. Are you running the stock compensator or an aftermarket one?
With such a light bike, do you have to be careful with your right wrist? I ride year around in NE Ohio, so I see some slick roads.
Stock compensator for now. I will probably upgrade sometime this year. Even though it has the torque to spin the tire without clutch assist, it is very streetable. When the roads/tires are cold or wet I ride it like I would if it were stock. 



It dawned on me that my tuner put out a cam review video a ways back. 34 mins in compares the 468 against the 480mt and others. Splitting hairs between them it appears, both great early torque - midrange grinds. Maybe go with whichever option your tuner prefers since they will be the one dialing it in.

Also, more context on the cam plate. If you had a true'd up or aftermarket crank assembly, running higher spring pressure, etc then the plate would come into play. Stock untouched crank, stock spring pressures, chain drive cams, wouldn't do it IMO.


I have the RS 468 on my 22 Street Bob. I also have a Thundermax tuner, which has a specific map for the 468, as well as a Feuling BA Air Cleaner, 5.5 injectors, Woods lifters, S&S ported aluminum intake, and SP Concepts big bore exhaust.

The 468 cam is so good that I also put it in my 24 Fat Boy. Before I went with the 468, I looked at all the cam dynos on Fuel Moto. The 468 had the most early torque so I went with it. The lope is great too.

The bonus is that it performs all the way to redline and I can easily blow by any traffic without downshifting.

For extra acceleration, I will also be adding a Baker 30 tooth comp sprocket.

Sunny Jim

480MT will work well.
The exhaust is questionable.


I have 200,000 miles on my stock compensator and oiling system with no issues (2020 Road Glide). Obviously, I can't guarantee those results with your bike, but I feel like riding habits have more to do with compensators failing than power increases. I know people who could ruin a lower end in no time on a stock motor (unfortunately because they have).

For what it's worth, I ran the CR480 for around 150,000 miles. When it was time to refresh the cam chest, I was going to use it again or the MT version but couldn't find either in stock. So, I went with the Star 30/30. I cannot tell any difference whatsoever with how the bike feels compared to the 480 which isn't a bad thing. With that said, I don't think you can go wrong with the MT.
Scott Matlock - Bloomington, IN
Iron Butt Rider #72408 - Facebook: The Hoosier Cruiser


unfortunately nothing that you do will perform to max power untill you get different exhaust.  Mike from A1 wont even try to tune a bike with that exhaust and I have had low numbers if it has one
GrayGhost=2014 Streetglide 94,xxx miles 110ci all harley parts and nuts and bolts replaced.  Its built for the backroads