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Mainshaft support plate

Started by Excalibur, November 07, 2021, 02:21:28 AM

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For my project, I got a hold of a support plate like the one pictured...
Seems to fit good but drive chain is limited to narrow standard width. Really like to go with O-ring/X-ring etc like I run on the Panhead.

I can look for a suitable chain that's super narrow and/or space the support plate out. What are the pros and cons according to experience?
I could get the narrowest X-ring and space plate the minimum. I could simply space the plate whatever it takes to clear.
Possibly could make say 1/8" spacers and dowel bolt holes with thin wall tubing. Looks like plenty of room behind the clutch..

This my 1st belt drive primary on a BT plus the bike is a basket case.

Comments/tips appreciated. Thanks


I have not done one , but.
If there is room behind the clutch I would space it out.
That will actually let it do it's job better by getting the support farther out on the shaft.
Leave at least ~.030" clearance for M/S endplay.
Probably not necessary to pin it unless you can perfectly center it on the shaft. (unpinned it would be self centering)

There is an offset 4 speed sprocket that might help.
They don't call me Ironhead Rick just because I'm "hard headed"


Thanks Burnout for the thoughts. They help a lot while I puzzle and ponder the situation.

Confirmed there is room to move plate out.
Good thought on it giving better support the further out it is.
Studying the plate a bit more, I note it isn't an accurately machined spigot but designed to simply bolt down where it lands. There is four x 3/8" bolts after all. So if I bolt it down firm and the mainshaft turns freely, I'll call it good.
