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January 2009 Gunny's Sack

Started by texaskatfish, December 10, 2008, 04:42:29 AM

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(no I do NOT work for these guys - I merely share the news)

From the

Another year has passed us by and we are looking forward to better days to come. Here in Oregon, we’ve been blessed with unusually good weather for this time of year, so bikes are still on the road. Just keep a sharp eye out for the wet leaves on the road and the gravel around curves that have been frosted over.
Going down at this time of year is more painful than at any other time and more dangerous because of the chance of hypothermia setting in. Roads are slick from frost, rain and crazy cage drivers.

Our tires might be worn from all the summer riding and due for replacement, yet we still want to squeeze those last few days in before the winter maintenance must be done. Don’t shirk the time it takes to be safe, brothers and sisters, it’s not worth getting hurt because we are lazy. Check your rides out and make sure they are in good condition before ya hit the road. Dress according the conditions. Shivering while riding is a dangerous distraction called hypothermia that can hurt ya. Nuff of the sage advice from the Gunny. On to news this month.

A ban on motorcycles--it could happen
In England, there was an attempt to advocate for the banning of all motorcycles from the public roadways. The idea came from a recommendation of their associations of police. The bikers very quickly took action and the idea was quashed. Nevertheless, in that recommendation, they said that motorcycles are “motorized toys,” and this dangerous notion is still in the minds of many folks around the USA, too. They have no idea how much those “toys”contribute to our economy in the form of jobs and family security, let alone the fundamental FREEDOM issue at stake. Keep your eyes peeled. 

CHICAGO: The start of foreign countries owning and having control of our highway systems has reared its ugly head again. Elevated toll roads are beginning to be built in the midwest. Traveling one  such road provides a way in and out of the windy city for millions each day, but this 7.8 mile highway was recently leased to a Spanish company for 99 years to the tune of $1.8 billion. The Spaniards are responsible for maintenance of the road but get to keep any and all tolls. Can the new owners invoke a helmet law for their road despite the fact that Illinois doesn't require a helmet? Can they raise tolls as high as they want? The answers to those questions will vary from agreement to agreement, but it's also difficult to overlook the issues involved with putting a foreign company in charge of our infrastructure. Not only does it send profits overseas - it reeks of an anti-American ethos. Whether we like it or not our country is being sold to the highest bidder and that guy is NOT AMERICAN. If that doesn’t scare the scivvies off you I don’t know what will.

JAPAN: Riding giving you the willies? Check this one out folks. Many scary consequences are thrown at bikers. Family and friends complain motorcycles are dangerous, doctors give riders the nickname of organ-donors, and now a group of scientists are linking riding to erectile dysfunction. 
Doctors in Japan, have  published studies on the dangers in the International Journal Of Impotence Research. They claim that theseats on most motorcycles put undue pressure on the perineum, the area between the anus and the scrotum, and that this restricted blood flow to the penis.
Guys, you really think that’s yer problem? Almost 46 percent of the 150 men in the study who rode their bikes for about three hours every weekend reportedly had problems gaining an erection or emptying their bladders. Or maybe it just happens to Japanese guys, or because of the crouched riding position on a lot of Japanese bikes, I dunno. Could it be that bourbon ya fed yourself and the gal to get her on yer ride?

CANADIAN KID STUFF: Now they are trying to prevent kids under the age of fourteen from riding on the back of motorcycles. This bill is in the reading stage in Canada.  If it passes, it could become law in the spring. Remember what I say when I tell ya this sort of stuff migrates to this country so fast it will make your head spin.
It’s true, kids are sometimes hurt or killed as passengers on motorcycles. How many of the few problems that did occur with children passengers would have been prevented if the parent had followed existing laws? How many of these accidents were joyrides by non-licensed riders or involved alcohol? We may never know, but we do know that another law won't stop irresponsibility.
Ontario’s government has gone crazy with laws that are said to protect it’s citizens from harm with helmet laws and all sorts of big daddy restrictions, and that population seems to turn a blind eye to what’s happening to them. Freedom of choice is precious here in the USA, and we must keep our guard up folks or we lose our freedom altogether

CHANGE for Bikers: YOUR voice is needed!
Contact President-elect Obama on his Transportation Secretary Appointment. This is a time of year when motorcyclists' rights move to the back burner for some riders. This is understandable with the weather in many parts of the country not being conducive to motorcycle riding.
It may be winter, but it’s not the time to hibernate. President-elect Obama is in the process of naming his cabinet members and White House staff. Most of those appointments have nothing to do with motorcycling. Several cabinet level positions do, however. Especially Secretary of Transportation.
As of this writing, it’s not too late to let our new President know your thoughts about what type of person we would like to see named to that position. It may not be a bad idea to also thank President-elect Obama for siding with bikers in his vote in the Senate against the "Lautenberg Amendment." That amendment, offered by the New Jersey Senator during the last re-authorization of the interstate highway funding act, was an attempt to pressure states into passing mandatory helmet laws. Don't be surprised if we are fighting such legislation again next year. It is not too early to start raising that issue. An easy way to get a message to the Presidentâ€"elect is through his transition team's web-site. Please don't delay, as the process is well under way. President-elect Obama’s website is

GUNNY AGAIN: I wish everybody a prosperous and happy new year. This year is a tough one, being in a recession and all that goes with it, but we are a resilient people and bikers are especially flexible at dealing with the world as it is. We will survive this mess. We always have, so keep a stiff upper lip and lets work together to keep our freedoms and regain the freedoms we have lost over these last several years.

Remember, especially, we have a crew of lawyers who ride with us and are there for us in some of the legal situations we get ourselves into. Be sure and call on them when we need them. They are there for us. The number to call is 1-800-531-2424 for the National office and they will point you to your local AIM attorney. More info is online 24/7 at Oregon AIM attorney is Sam Hochberg at 1-800-347-1106 He’s got some biker info online as well, at Sam’s email contact is You can always reach Gunny at AIMGUNNY@AOL.COM .  Be sure to identify what you need in the subject line or I might delete ya. I hate computer problems from viruses.

Have a safe and happy new year!

Keep the round side on the bottom.
Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff


Katfish  Vice President   Cypress Chapter BACA
RIP Jester