New Iraqi freedom vet to HTT

Started by wardawgharley, August 06, 2010, 12:26:47 AM

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Hey harley partners. I am new here and from Central Tennessee. Can't wait to interact with every one.


Hello ...welcome to HTT.. and thank you for your service  :up:

Enjoy the site
HV HTT Admin ..Ride Safe ...But Ride informed with HTT !!
Skype HV.HTT


Moose aka Glenn-


Hey HV thank you for the welc ome and your welcome for the service. Hey moose I may have been Army but Semper Fi HOOORAH. I don't knock the other services. It takes all of us as a team to make things happen and I seen first hand how the Marines, Army, Navy, and the Air Force helped one another several times so we may be different branches but we are all brothers. HOOOAH.


I 100% agree we are a team no one can do it alone. My hat's off to all that serve and that have given the greatest sacrifice for all to be free. My dad served in the Army and then the Marines for a total of 6 years
Moose aka Glenn-


Welcome Ward,
Just had son #3 return from Iraq, second tour.
Glad you're back safe, good help here with the HTT brothers & sisters.
Everyone wants to change the world but, no one wants to change the toilet paper.


PAN that is awesome brother. I was in the war on 03 went back again in 04 and then in 05 it was time for me to hang up my boots because the ole lady was to scared to become a widow and I was getting to scared as well to leave my new daughter and my 6 year old daughter and because I did I now see them grow up and also have a 3rd myself now. HE is 4 years old now and he will fill my shoes and his duty as a Nay soldier and fullfill my Nay Family legacy and contiue on with the protection of our great nation. My family has served in every single war that america was a part of so hopefuly he serves in the next, that is if every thing slows down and cools off before he is old enough. I am so glad to hear you made back home safe to your kids also brother. Keep your down and if you are any thing like me and cant sleep because you are affraid of another nightmare to vision and go through that "Potty mouth" again, get on here brother, I got your back. I am up til 3 or 4 in the AM because every time I close my eyes I am back there again so I stay wide open til I cant do it any more and that has seeming to be helping me.