Copying and pasting from TS to SERT

Started by TarheelBagger, March 03, 2009, 12:05:08 PM

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Can someone refresh my memory on whether or not it's possible to copy and paste correction cells from a DTT Twin Scan 88+ into the SERT?  It seems I read about a way to do this  somewhere, but I can't find it.  Ready to start tuning this weekend.  Thanks for any help.
2005 CVO Electra Glide
Charlotte, North Carolina


I believe what I was thinking about was a spreadsheet that someone came up with on the old site where you could copy the cells from the SERT into it and then copy the correction cells from the TwinScan over and the spreadsheet would do the corrections for you.  I can't figure out how to copy the TwinScan cells to Excel.  Anyway, no problem to do it manually.
2005 CVO Electra Glide
Charlotte, North Carolina