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finding an indy I can trust

Started by someday69, March 11, 2009, 01:40:56 PM

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OK I need to have someone work on my bike cause I got no place to do it ..cept in the street....
  I found one possible person,,who works at a local shop,,and has his own thing on the side....

  My question is how do I make sure he puts the parts in that I give him?? How do I a-proch the subject?...on the off chance someone live's anywhere near santa cruz ca....maybe they have someone they rear pully is chewed up and I worry about the belt going south....I got a new pully and wheel bearings,,I want to put a new trany pully on too just to keep things riightious,,,and I got the revera clutch basket gear the 84tooth I figure I will get an all balls 1.4kv starter,,,cometic kasket kit-(69dollars),,,,I can't seem to get yooper cables e-mail to work on this puter,,,so I ll have to do that later.....if anyone knows of something Im misssing let me know....and thanks for reading this mess...
                                        my mom just passed away and I'll be at her funeral for a few days...she was rid'in with cancer.all over her body--so it was a good thing that I got hospice involed she got enough drugs to keep her out of it for like the last two weeks......I quit my job in s.jersey last summer when she started having real trouble..rode out and took care of her..we had lots of real good times...even got her on my bike a few times....So I took good care of her till the bitter end...Hey you only get one mom.....
         Anyway...thanks for read'in this long post..and don't worry she's in a better [place_ and it's all good...I'm going to search till I find a place that will let do most of the work myself....I am going to put some time and money into my 02fxd..someday..


Sorry to hear that your mom passed on, but we knew it was coming and there is nothing that anyone here on earth could do to prevent it. :sad:
Listen to the jingle the rumble and the roar.


So sorry Someday.
My she rest in peace  :sad:, you take care too.
Everyone wants to change the world but, no one wants to change the toilet paper.


The Santa Cruz HD dealer closed up shop several months ago so unless you travel to San Jose, Morgan Hill, Salinas for dealer repairs, there are several indys in the area. Central Coast Cycles, Cycle Imagery, to name a few. I've used Cycle Imagery for tire installs and new brakes etc....


Metal Dragon in Hayward is a top independent!  Ask for Jim - the owner!

(510) 885-9471


Yup 0ne mom ,I still miss mine.sometimes ridin i can smell the perfume she used. iam not crazy ,strange, happens when i think about her.  : :sad: iiggii.


You're  a  good  son,  sorry  about  your  mom.

Hope  by  this  poppin'  back  up  some  of  the  CA members  see it ~n~can  help ya !!!
Drinking doesn't cause hangovers... waking up  does...
SW Arkisaw USN RET

Phu Cat

Slide into a bar where's there's usually some Harleys out front and ask around.  The best mechanics are almost always on their own.

Too much horsepower is almost enough.