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Aligning raked fork cups

Started by gryphon, November 09, 2008, 01:43:45 PM

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I'm pretty sure at least a couple of you guys are running raked fork cups. When you installed them how did you make sure that you had them properly aligned. They're a pretty tight fit in the neck and a guy wouldn't want to to keep driving them out to try again.


 I measured and scribed and eyeballed 8 ways from Sunday and though you may not think it's possible I believe they "settled" after a few miles.  The reason I say that is at first the bike felt a bit squirrely coming out of the barn (I'm thinking oh sh*t) then it it started tracking straight as an arrow after a few miles. 
I put a little bearing and sleeve retainer locktite on them in the initial assembly, not sure that really did anything for me.  I don't think I'd pin em, If you think of all the forces on them while pounding down the road, once straight they are not going anywhere. Mine have been in place since spring 2004.

Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, then come down and shoot the survivors.
 - Ernest Hemingway


Installed a set last last spring.Top cup had a center mark stamped on it, marked the neck on the bike and tapped the cup to start it straight. when it was just started and lined up,gave it a good sharp hit with hand maul [COVERED WITH BLOCK OF WOOD] hit it nice and flat and even every stroke and went in perfect.Bottom cup did the same,but like you mentioned,had to remove because it was not lined up perfectly,and as such the stem will not go in. Second attempt on bottom cup,tap it just to barely start the cup,check alignment with bolt down through top cup and into bottom cup .Once it was aligned nice flat even solid blows with hand maul did the job. I really like the added rake,the cups are still right on the marks,don't see any reason why they should not be. Have 26 inch tubes with 21 inch wheel,drives and steers fine,hands of bars tracks straight and steady,hope this was of some help,gary


put them in twice. both times it was squirrely at first. Then they self alligned from all that weight on the neck and she ran true and straight.. I tried everything I could think of to get them aligined and neither time were they alligned until I ran the 15 miles or so.


ive ony done two set on two sleds n iju eyeballed em to center of neck ...both were very hard drive in..but both were fine fum 1st ride guys sure the squilry yer describun ain the fact that it will have a lil mo flop n slow speed ,,but quick ta git used too n nevo look back...jus a thought..ive read that self align a few times n ain doubtun knowbody..but tight fit n bearing retainer,,i sure hope they cant move that easy


yeah pappy mine didn't install tight like yours did. It was real squirrelly until it self alligned. I even tack welded the bottom and it has so much pressure on it from the weight of the front end on the neck that it busted the tack weld and then it self alligned. I figure even if they are tight they will self allign. My frame was a custom rigid frame 7 up 3 out and that was probably why the cups were looser than yours.


That's another thing I was gonna ask you guys was how many had pinned theirs. I bought a nice set from a guy who had just never installed them cause it turned out to be a bigger job than he thought. Problem is, he had the manufacturer (Vulcan) install the races which are a bitch to get out and I don't wanna do it. Can't pin 'em with the races in. When I installed the present cups the were a tight (And I do mean TIGHT) fit. Sure seems like it would take a lot to move 'em. The guys at Vulcan said that if it was that tight a fit to not even worry about it.


November 09, 2008, 06:29:44 PM #7 Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 06:41:48 PM by 76shuvlinoff
mine were not that tight going in I think the neck is getting a bit sloppy on the old girl. I got em most of the way in by hand then I took them back out and put the locktite sleeve retainer on and reinstalled with a dead blow rubber mallet. I really had to knock the old ones out so I don't really know if it's the neck or the new cups that are wrong.  I never pinned em and I've had no issues (after the first ride).

I might be wrong but "settling in" is the only thing that makes sense to me, she wanted to wander at first even with two hands on the bars but shortly everything was OK... then I read of other guys having the same thing happen so I chalked it up to self aligning.

It all seemed to work out in the end.
Critics are men who watch a battle from a high place, then come down and shoot the survivors.
 - Ernest Hemingway


November 10, 2008, 06:32:46 AM #8 Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 06:38:59 AM by pappyfreebird
well i kin see it self align wid the angle..but as hard as they went in i myself were sure hopin ta have em square ta the werld  ,,,cause figured they ain gonna move,,,as fer pinnin em i myself i dint think twice ta skip it since drove in so fuggan hard...i had a 1/2 threaded bar etc n were a bummer ,,jus palin stopped me... i hadda drive em in too,,n was paranoid all the way waitun fer neck ta split...second set i jus drove em home n were jus as tight ...fer somthun ya want to be so perfect on its hard when yer slammin em wid a 2lb hammer n block a wood,,,aw the techknowledgy of a shovel... n last,,, i rekon  i ain nevo let go of a set a bars on any motor bike ive evo had since i watched a brutha bite the pavement n wipe his face off...evin at slow speeds ,,,evin one handed ain a good idear,,,remember me pheasent huntin..a one handed pose woulda put me down hard n fast...ain preachun jus sayun!!!