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Craig Flo headworks info

Started by Mule, April 17, 2009, 07:24:11 AM

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 What is the turn around time on reconditionig a pair of Pan heads  and Costs ( ball park) From Flo headworks?The Motor I just bought has a bad spark plug hole and maybe some other issues I haven't found yet. Would like to get the heads done right. Also contact info if you have it...Thanks!...Mule...



The turn around time is going to vary a lot depending on how busy Perry is at any particular time.  You should give him a call and ask him how far back he is running right now.  His number is 805-481-6300.

The cost is going to depend a lot on how much work needs to be done.  Hard to tell that until you hot tank the heads and start looking for cracks.  It's rare to find a set of panheads that don't have cracks in them.

Perry isn't going to be the cheap bidder on any of his work.  But you'll get top quality and work that lasts.  I've got ~60K miles on a motor he did for me a few years back.  Had to replace the exhaust spigots about 18 months ago so Perry lapped the valves at that point since they heads were already disassembled.  Other then that they just keep on going.  I have a spare top-end on the shelf for when I need it, this motor that he did for me just keeps on going.  As long as it's running strong I'll keep the parts on the shelf.



 Thanks! Craig, I called and talked to Perry,  The real deal , Nice conversation. I was a little  shocked when he told me 2500.00 to repair my heads. Thats worse case, I don't think mine are that extreme. I will have a better Idea when I pull them. I plan on dissassembly and bead blasting them myself before I send them off. He sent me his price list and when it is broke down he is no more expensive than most shops....Mule...


Yeah... I hear ya.  It's hard to imagine spending that kind of money on heads.  You can probably get STDs for about half of that $2500 worst case.  But they would always be STD heads not Harley parts.  I love the old parts so I'm willing to shell out the extra to have them.  Not everybody can or is willing to spend that much and I can understand that.  What I like about Perry is he won't BS you about the price.  He'll come right out and tell you so that you don't get a big surprise when he's all done.  I have a set of heads on the shelf that I spent almost that worst case $$ on.  But the castings were a freebee so I didn't have anything in them to start with and they were a mess (lots of cracks in addition to needing seats, and all the moving components).  But they are ready to be put to good use now  ... saved from the junk pile.



Hey Craig, did you ever put an air conditioner in your shop/garage??



Not yet Robin.  I spent 6 weeks in July/August 2007 working in the garage every day so I sorta got used to it.  LOL  What's the big deal if it's 105F in the garage??   :hyst:
