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Started by Mac1, April 17, 2019, 11:34:06 AM

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On an 01 fatboy i decided to replace the tssm with a tsm when the tssm sent flashing lights into overtime. However, after trying the manual version of matching with the ecu at least six times i am jow of the view that it just doesnt work.

Has anyone done this sucessfully?


I replaced the TSSM with a TSM on my 04 Fatboy and my 06 Ultra both bikes had to go to the dealer and hooked up to the digital tech to get them to work


The procedure works but you need to follow it closely and make sure to allow the required time between steps (10mins IIRC). Much easier to use of the tools to do it though. Like digtech, centurion etc.


I got it to work on my'07 softail, but it was time consuming.


Pull the head light fuse and put a battery charger on whilst doing it. I have done it more than a few times and never had it work first time always second or third go at it.


Quote from: wolf_59 on April 17, 2019, 12:47:28 PM
I replaced the TSSM with a TSM on my 04 Fatboy and my 06 Ultra both bikes had to go to the dealer and hooked up to the digital tech to get them to work

Yup, same here.....
Infantryman Terry Street
End of Tour April,4,2008 Panjwayi district Afghanistan


Thanks for the replies. I had not thought about tsking headlight fuse out. It may be the battery is running down too low even though i have it on a trickle charger. Maybe i will give it one more go.