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A"s" cam

Started by nmainehunter, November 16, 2024, 08:26:21 AM

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I picked up a cam awhile ago thinking it was for a pan and it turned out to be for a shovel. The marking on it is odd with an A stamped with a really small s beside it. Andrews doesn't list a cam with the "s". It's never been run. Is it just an A cam designed for a "s"hovelhead?

Ohio HD

Ohio HD

I guess I'll supply an image. This is how Andrews marks their 'A' grind.

Also, the same cam fits 1948 to 1969 generator lower ends. Then there's a cam for 1970 to 1977 and then one for 1978 to 1984.


I sent the cam in question to nmainehunter. It was installed in a 98" Shovelhead built by a local shop. The engine was built in the early 80's and never run. The markings on the cam are stampings not dot matrix as currently used. One shop owner guessed it might be a small base circle cam. I have no idea. Maybe a call to Andrews could answer the question. If there are any old timers still working there.

Ohio HD

Andrews also used stamping for cam ID. But I think that was earlier on in their production. If Gary Wallace is still at Andrews, he will know if what you have is their cam.


Thanks Dogbone, The cam doesn't have any Andrews markings on it other than the A and "s".

Ohio HD

Also the 'A' grind would be a terrible choice for a 98" motor. So I doubt that it is.


It was replaced with one of Jim Leinweber's creations.


Back in the mid eighties my A had the S on it. Never found out what it meant I always fought for Solids


I've taken a picture of it but I don't know how to get it here.


Got the same problem. From memory My A S was A then S together . It was a good cam I ran it with 41/2" crank and 3 1/2" bore TRW pistons forged 2800 series. Had  Dayna single fire and advance weights play with them as it pinged . Side drift sorry