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Started by grandpa tom, January 15, 2009, 06:21:31 PM

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grandpa tom

While reading as usual I came across you site, after reading a few post I decided to register because I really liked what I saw and read.
The Mrs and I live in central Indiana and I am retired with (34yrs) from Gm-Delphi, yep, the one who made a part of the fuel injection systems for our bikes.
Started riding when I was 15 and now at 59 I have only went a couple years with out one..
I retired as an International appointed Health and Safety Rep of 8yrs and taught saftey classes for 13 yrs before that, so safety is one of
my pet peeves. I started at GM as a Millwright-Sheetmetal-Welder apprentice, before that I worked at Nicholson File Corp 3 yrs as a
Machine repairman apprentice. So I know my way around tools but I am not a Harley wench....
The wife and I ride almost everyday it gets above 65* and the skies are blue on our 07 FLSTC we bought new (5-13-07) with 16+k on her now.
Have only done stage 1, Rush, ac, seats, SERT, floorboards and Dynoed so far along with several K's of the usual bling...
Looking foward to a lot of nights reading good info here as we have a long cold winter in this part of the country, Its -6* outside now, cant wait till it
get decent weather to ride again...

Thanks:  grandpa tom   AKA (Big Tom)  :teeth:
Choose wisely, not foolishly, sometimes we have to do it right the first time


Welcome to the site Tom... the reading and informative posts and some times just plane Damn Funny reading is hard to beat
HV HTT Admin ..Ride Safe ...But Ride informed with HTT !!
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